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Medical Scientific and Educational Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov moved to MIS qMS

Customers: Medical Scientific and Educational Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MOC MSU)

Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Contractors: SP.ARM
Product: MIS qMS

Project date: 2023/09  - 2023/10
Number of licenses: 100

2023: Implementation of MIS qMS

The company, SP.ARM the developer IT of solutions in the field, health care introduced in medical information system qMS. This was Lomonosov Moscow State University Medical Scientific and Educational Center announced by SP.ARM on June 11, 2024.

The implementation of IIS has allowed to automate and optimize processes in clinical and diagnostic department, hospital, laboratory and other departments of the clinic. The system tools help to control and optimize financial flows, conduct analytics, as well as systematize the work of the pharmacy and other warehouses of the center.

Medical scientifically-educational center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MOC) - a clinic in, Russia created in the structure of a classical university. The center provides specialized and high-tech medical care using a personalized and interdisciplinary approach. The center complex includes policlinic 320 visits per shift, a diagnostic center, a hospital with 300 beds, 8 operating rooms and a rehabilitation center.

Earlier, the clinic's specialists used their own information system "Lomonosov" and a laboratory system of a third-party developer. To expand functionality and optimize processes more broadly, the clinic decided to implement a comprehensive MIC that will cover all MIC tasks. After a long study of the solutions on the market, consultations with vendors and familiarization visits to other Russian clinics, the choice was made in favor of MIS qMS from SP.ARM.

One of the main requirements for the system was the ability to work with various sources of external funding for the clinic - both from the federal and city budgets. Tools for the operation of the hospital, clinic, laboratory, pharmacy warehouse, radiology were also important. The qMS MIC met the required parameters in full.

The qMS implementation project started in September 2023. After the audit of the customer's processes, the SP.ARM team formed a work schedule, prepared and configured the infrastructure necessary to launch the system. The clinic, for its part, ensured technical readiness, updated computer equipment for 100 automated workplaces.

Connection to MIS qMS took place in stages. The first to work with the system were specialists from the main warehouses of the center, the warehouse of medicines, medical products and reagents, departments. Next, the MOC laboratory, the radiation diagnostics department, and the Clinical Diagnostic Department (KDO) joined qMS.

For the laboratory, bar printers are configured for marking test tubes, all the necessary documentation and logs in electronic format, notifications of attending physicians, as well as auto-validation of results from analyzers. Using the MIS, the laboratory employees daily form and submit a report on the services performed to the compulsory medical insurance department.

The equipment of the radiation diagnostics department is connected to the PACS AGFA system. In the near future, it is planned to launch integration with the Unified Radiological Information Service.

Specialists of the KDO registry use the MIS to make an appointment for patients, the department of paid services - work with financial documents. Doctors keep records in electronic patient records in the system, make the necessary appointments following consultations.

The personal account opened patients access to the schedule of doctors and records to them in online format, viewing the results of laboratory and diagnostic tests, records in medical records. You can also fill out various questionnaires and observation diaries in it. These capabilities increase the quality of care for patients and increase their loyalty to the clinic.

The SP.ARM team conducted face-to-face and online training of the center's employees in both group and individual formats, connected distance learning courses, prepared various instructions, memos and video tutorials on working with the system. In total, 386 MIC specialists work at MIS today.

For June 2024, we continue to support the customer's team, the so-called MIS stabilization stage is underway. The plans include the introduction of medical commissions, the launch of an electronic list of disability, a mobile application, the coordination of reports on the blood warehouse, and the full launch of medical nutrition. In the near future, the clinic will go to the escort stage. We are glad to cooperate with such a strong team of professionals and are confident that soon the clinic with the help of qMS will be able to fully optimize all business processes and reach a new level of informatization, - said Olesya Loseva, project manager of the implementation department of SP.ARM.

We were worried that the transition stage from the old MIS to the new one would drag on, it would be difficult for employees to immediately start working in qMS, but everything went as painlessly and quickly as possible. Just a week later, our specialists began to actively use the implemented system. MIS satisfies our requests in full. With its implementation, we were able to keep records of clinical and expert work in electronic form, analyze the work of departments in many respects, systematize it and thereby save finances. IIA helps to effectively monitor the movement of medicines and medical devices, upload registers of compulsory medical insurance accounts to the territorial fund and resolve other organizational issues. We plan to expand functionality, introduce new ones and use MIS in the future also for scientific purposes, "commented Artashes Armaganov, head of the telemedicine and distance learning center of the Medical Scientific and Educational Center of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.