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"Airplane" introduced a decision on construction quality control in "Stroytsentr-Irkutsk"

Customers: Stroycentre-Irkutsk

Krasnoyarsk; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Product: The plane 10D

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Implementation of Operational Quality Control System for Construction

The Samolet Group has implemented a project for Stroytsentr-Irkutsk to implement a system of operational quality control of construction (Control), which is one of the modules of the Aircraft 10D platform. About this "Airplane" reported on June 17, 2024.

The main task was to optimize the work of technical supervision employees at the site and provide them with a convenient tool that will allow them to quickly identify defects and track their correction in real time. This solution will allow Stroytsentr-Irkutsk specialists to record any comments at the facility in 15-30 seconds, and the management will instantly see these materials in the general database, which multiply increases the quality of construction and reduces the time to 20% by increasing the reaction rate. For managers, the solution also offers a number of analytical options: reports in different sections (for defects, for contractors, for a certain period), helicopter view, dashboards, etc. All information is synchronized and available from any device. Control can exist as a stand-alone product, as well as in integration with other products of the SaaS Aircraft 10D Solution SaaS. The solution consists of a web version and a mobile application that is available for Android and iOS.

Quality control of construction is one of the key tasks for each developer. According to our estimates, up to 5% of the project budget is spent on fines for delays and alterations, so the business is interested in a single tool for all contractors and data from them in real time, a tool that would serve as a link between quality control employees and contractors who perform work. Control closes all these tasks, it is designed to help construction workers in their daily tasks: it makes it possible to quickly record both defects and the fact of their correction using a mobile application, and an interactive map allows you to monitor shortcomings directly on the object plan, - commented Dmitry Samozhkin, CEO "Aircraft 10D."

Construction quality control services, as well as documentation of their results, are necessary for commissioning of finished facilities and transfer to owners, as well as for registration of built facilities in government agencies. This is a mandatory and very important part of our work. When choosing a solution for the quality control of construction, both our own facilities and external ones in the role of the involved construction control service, we, first of all, paid attention to the presence and elaboration of the mobile application. Since our facilities are located in different regions of Russia, the issue of promptly obtaining information and exercising control remotely had a high priority. We can frankly say that Control has the best application on the market, simple, intuitive and as ergonomic as possible, but at the same time having wide functionality. After minimal training, a specialist of any level can use it. I would also like to note the quick process of software implementation and configuration. The project is now at the final stage, we are actively testing a new solution, - said Oleg Gabets, head of the construction quality control service "Stroytsentr-Irkutsk."