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Sukharev Andrei Leonidovich
Sukharev Andrei Leonidovich

Andrei Sukharev was born in 1969.


He has a higher professional education in the specialty "Pediatrics." He graduated from Omsk State Medical Institute.



In 2004, he was appointed chief physician of the Children's City Hospital No. 1. Since 2006 - Head of the Health Department for the Kirov Administrative District of the Health Department of the Omsk Administration.

In 2007-2010, he headed the department of licensing medical activities, and then the department of control and supervision of the quality of organization of medical and social assistance to the population of the territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Health and Social Development in the Omsk Region.


Since 2010 - head physician of the city polyclinic No. 2. Since 2012, he headed the city children's clinical hospital No. 3 - the largest children's medical and preventive institution in Western Siberia.

In December 2020, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Health of the Omsk Region.

2024: Appointment as Head of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region

In mid-June 2024, it became known about the appointment of Andrei Sukharev as the new head of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region. He will replace Artem Narkevich, whose resignation was announced by the governor of the region Vitaly Khocenko.

As the press secretary of the governor of the Omsk region, Mina Akhverdiev, clarified to Gorod55, Andrei Sukharev is on vacation by June 15, 2024, and after returning he will lead the regional Ministry of Health.

It is reported that the decision to change the leadership of the Omsk Ministry of Health is connected with the transfer of Narkevich to a new job in Moscow, but where exactly, by mid-June 2024, is not specified. Narkevich headed the department since the fall of 2023.

Before becoming the head of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, Andrei Sukharev worked there as the first deputy minister.[1]
