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Setl Group Orchestrates Secure Development Process by Implementing Positive Technologies Products

Customers: Setl Group

St. Petersburg; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Product: PT Application Inspector (PT AI)
Second product: PT BlackBox

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: PT Application Inspector and PT BlackBox implementation

Setl Group has built a secure development process using PT Application Inspector and PT BlackBox - static and dynamic code analyzers. With these solutions, the company checks the source code of its web applications in order to detect and fix vulnerabilities at the development stage. Positive Technologies products scan and identify potential threats in 20 developer web resources. Positive Technologies reported this on June 19, 2024.

The developer has long used Positive Technologies' infrastructure protection solutions (MaxPatrol 8 and PT Application Firewall), and the company chose PT Application Inspector and PT BlackBox to build a secure development. The combination of static and dynamic analysis gives the maximum result: PT Application Inspector accurately detects weaknesses in the source code of the web resource, and PT BlackBox detects vulnerabilities and errors in the application environment during its execution - during the scan process, the analyzer simulates the behavior of an attacker who does not know how the code itself works.

Deploying PT Application Inspector and PT BlackBox does not require much effort: in just one day you can get a ready-made solution that can be easily built into the development cycle, "said Setl Tech CEO Sergei Staroverov. - You can most clearly see the benefits of products in initial scans, when analyzers find a large number of vulnerabilities that have been ignored for a long time.

The developer uses solutions to validate 20 web applications, including the official website and internal corporate portals. Before the new version of any of them becomes available to users, the security of changes is checked on the test server.

Over the past three years, in 63% of cases, it was web applications that became the original vector. attacks hackers The implementation of PT Application Inspector and PT BlackBox will allow Setl Group to maintain the security of web applications at a high level starting from the development stage, "said Ivan Solomatin, Head of Application Protection Business Development at Positive Technologies.