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The Treasury of Rostov-on-Don uses the system! BFT-Holding "for safe centralized storage of electronic documents

Customers: Municipal Treasury of Rostov-on-Don

Product: BFT. Storage of electronic documents (BFT.HED)

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Implementation of BFT.HED

BFT-Holding has deployed a single electronic storage on the basis of the software product "BFT. Storage of Electronic Documents" (BFT.ED) in the Municipal Treasury of the city of Rostov-on-Don. As a result of the project, a centralized solution for storing and exchanging files of electronic documents of the budget process was created in the government agency. BFT-Holding announced this on June 19, 2024.

The Municipal Treasury of Rostov-on-Don continuously develops its IT landscape in order to ensure a high-quality and uninterrupted budget process.

The number of electronic documents and their copies in government agencies is constantly growing. In order to reduce the volume of storage and the burden on current information systems, as well as eliminate duplication of data, the municipal treasury decided to create a single digital space for storing documents and their sharing in planning, budget execution and government procurement management systems .

The introduction of the BFT.ED software product (formerly BFT.e-Archive) helped to solve these problems.

BFT.ED is a system for long-term storage of documents and organization of operational access to them in real time. The product ensures the uniqueness and unambiguity of versions of electronic documents and their attachments for information systems interacting with them, and also allows you to maintain their legal significance.

Within the framework of the project, BFT-Holding specialists created a single information space and a single access point for long-term storage of electronic documents for information systems used as part of the budget process. Civil servants got convenient access to a single catalog of documents, search tools for the attributes of registration cards, as well as the ability to view and upload the necessary electronic documents over a multi-year period.

To solve these problems, the project set up the integration of BFT.ED with municipal planning and budget execution systems, as well as procurement management, which are used in the treasury to automate the budget process. By providing the opportunity for connected systems to operate with a single set of document attachment files within the framework of end-to-end processes, the total storage volumes of binary objects were optimized, and the connected information systems were completely unloaded from the storage functions of this data category since the launch of BFT.ED. Server capacity is now used more efficiently, which, with further growth in document volume, can reduce storage costs.

Thanks to the project to create a single repository of electronic documents within the framework of the Treasury's IT infrastructure, the burden on budget process management systems has significantly decreased, and their productivity has increased. In addition, in addition to quick access to the necessary documents, our employees have the opportunity to control and systematize electronic documents attached and signed by electronic signatures. This eliminates the risk of uncontrolled attachment of large files to documents, duplication of data and other negative factors leading to excessive loading of servers, "said Grigory Zherder, head of the department for informatization of budget execution of the Municipal Treasury of Rostov-on-Don.

The organization of a centralized repository of electronic documents is extremely important for all government agencies, taking into account the increasing requirements for quality, processing time, data storage reliability and optimization of exchange processes between regional public financial management systems. With the help of BFT.ED and a wide examination of our specialists, the customer was able to achieve the set goals and ensure the transition of budget process systems to a new qualitative level when working with electronic documents, "said Anatoly Galaev, Deputy Director of the BFT Holding Data Management Systems Department.