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Videomax and Axoft have created a hardware and software virtualization suite

Customers: Videomax

Moscow; Electrical and microelectronics

Contractors: Axoft
Product: Astra Linux Special Edition

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/05

2024: Creating a Failover Virtualization Cluster

Videomax, with the support of the center for expertise and distribution of digital technologies, Axoft created a failover virtualization cluster, implemented on the basis of a hardware platform from Videomax, the Russian operating system Astra Linux and the Brest virtualization software complex from Astra Group. During the project, a non-standard task was successfully solved - a failover virtualization cluster was assembled from an even number of hypervisors nodes. Axoft announced this on June 26, 2024.

Videomax needed to create a fault-tolerant system infrastructure to ensure the reliable operation of a complex of integrated security software environments. At the same time, a special software complex of security systems was supposed to function on virtual ones, servers which, in turn, are based on a fault-tolerant software and hardware cluster. The main task of such a cluster is to ensure continuous operation virtual machines in case of failures of any components: physical servers, switchboard switching cables and interface devices, drives information DSS and a power supply module in each physical server.

During the project, the Videomax team carried out preparatory work, carried out the pre-configuration of the cluster. Then the Axoft technical team installed the operating system, configured the network interfaces, virtualization system and software-defined storage, and assembled the cluster. Commissioning of equipment testing was carried out by Videomax specialists.

The following steps were implemented:

  • Configure servers, operating systems, and hypervisor software according to the target fault tolerance model and virtual machine requirements.
  • demonstration of fault tolerance - passing the test program and methods (IMP);
  • training of Videomax employees in cluster deployment, generation of content for instructions on cluster configuration and actions in case of failures of cluster hardware components within MIT;
  • Consulting of Videomax employees on settings during self-deployment of the cluster in the vendor's laboratory.

The Axoft technical team faced a non-standard task - to assemble a failover virtualization cluster from an even number of hypervisors nodes and software-defined storage in a hyperconverged architecture in a closed secure loop. The complexity of this solution was that in the best vendor practices, fault tolerance is achieved due to the quorum according to the "2N + 1" formula - the cluster must consist of an odd number of nodes, so that in case of an accident, operable nodes always remain one more than inoperable ones. Our team successfully coped with this non-trivial task. As a result of the project, a cluster was assembled from an odd number of hypervisor nodes, where then an even node was added as a computing resource and a node of software-defined storage, which is not involved in the operation of fault tolerance and high availability mechanisms, but is ready for commissioning in case of an accident in the cluster, - said Nikolai Vyalyataga, head of virtualization department of technical consulting, audit and engineering support at Axoft.

The Videomax team received expertise and a solution for self-deployment of the cluster.

We make classic server security solutions. We work with hyperconverged clusters infrequently. Partnership with Axoft allows us to offer our customers fault-tolerant large and complex solutions, - said Alexander Unisov, CEO of Videomax.

In cooperation with partners, we create software and hardware complexes to solve various business problems, as well as ensure uninterrupted and safe operation of CII customers. As of June 2024, these are the most important strategic tasks. Thanks to our synergy, we save our clients from the need to independently collect a solution from "assorted" software and hardware, supplying the client with an already formed, debugged and tested PAC, ready for operation, - said Denis Mukhin, head of the virtualization and cloud services directorate of Astra Group.