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Brain Institute tests symptom control technology in Parkinson's disease

Customers: FSBI FCMN FMBA of Russia - Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies

Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare

Contractors: I-Force (iFORS)
Product: I-Force: CYPD (Control Your Parkinsons Disease)

Project date: 2023/09  - 2024/05

2024: CYPD App Trial

The company "Ai-Force" (FORS Group) takes part in a pilot project to test the first set of motor tests to control tremor and the effectiveness of treatment in Parkinson's disease in the neurological department No. 3 of the "Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies" FMBA of Russia. To recognize the movements of the hand, machine vision technologies are used, for subsequent image analysis - the capabilities of artificial intelligence. I-Force announced this on June 26, 2024.

Data collection is carried out using the mobile application CYPD (Control Your Parkinson's Disease), developed by I-Force specialists.

The application plots the patient's tremor, reflecting an objective picture in dynamics and general condition, helping the doctor in correctly diagnosing and adjusting drug therapy. The schedule of medication helps the patient to fulfill medical recommendations on time and correctly. All collected data can also be provided as a PDF report for the convenience of the doctor.

The development of four special motor tests for the hand was a serious step in the development of our mobile application. With the help of a smartphone camera and by pressing the patient on the screen, they analyze the speed and amplitude of movement of his fingers and hand. We can say that we performed the digitalization of classical neurological tests. They will give doctors even more useful and necessary information in real time about the effectiveness of drugs and their perception by the patient's body, "said Daria Golosova, First Deputy General Director of Ai-Force (FORS Group Companies).

We started clinical trials of the CYPD mobile application to assess the condition of patients with Parkinson's disease back in September 2023. They show the reliability, convenience and promise of this tool for both the doctor and the patient. Also, the monitoring results in the form of graphs are widely used by us to convince patients of the positive effect of drugs, which contributes to their adherence to treatment, "said Dmitry Katunin, a neurologist at the Federal Medical Center.