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Platform (video service)

Developers: Rteam
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2024
Branches: Internet services

2024: Platform Launch

At the end of June 2024, a new video hosting called "Platform" was officially launched in Russia, which is positioned as a domestic analogue of YouTube. The developer of the project was the Russian company Rteam, which offered users functionality as close as possible to the American competitor.

According to TASS, the new service provides content authors with a wide range of tools for promotion and analytics. Video hosting is equipped with a recommendation system and supports the short video format, which corresponds to modern trends in the field of online video content.

Platform Service Interface

"Platform" provides the ability to download videos in resolution up to 4K and automatically creates subtitles in Russian and English. These features are designed to increase the availability of content to a wide audience.

A moderation system has been introduced at the video hosting, which limits access to materials that violate Russian law or contain anti-Russian rhetoric. This solution is aimed at ensuring that the content complies with national legal norms.

Rteam CEO Andrei Talyzin announced the high performance of the service. According to him, Platform is capable of processing up to 240 thousand requests per second, which indicates that the system is ready for significant loads.

Our goal is to create not just an alternative to a foreign service, but a full-fledged ecosystem for Russian authors and viewers, which will meet all modern requirements and take into account the specifics of the domestic market, "Talyzin emphasized.

The launch of the Platform fits into the general trend in the development of domestic IT solutions. Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Public Center for Internet Technologies (ROCIT) Anton Gorelkin noted the importance of creating a high-quality Russian analogue of YouTube, emphasizing the political aspect of this issue[1]
