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Simple Construction

Developers: SimpleCharge (Simpson Charge)
Branches: Information Technology,  Construction and Construction Materials Industry
Technology: BIM - Information modeling of buildings and structures,  Project management systems


Simple Construction is a construction project management system developed by the Russian company LIIS. This product allows you to optimize the planning and implementation processes of construction, improving communication and coordination between project participants. Simple Construction is available in two versions: a cloud solution (SAAS) and a boxed version for installation on enterprise servers (ON-PREMISE).


  • Availability in SaaS and On-Premise
  • Flexibility to configure templates and roles
  • Offline Model Access
  • Transparent Document Reconciliation Chains
  • Integration with CAD Systems
  • Forecast budget and dates



The product demonstrates an increase in project speed by 35%, a reduction in downtime costs by up to 30%, and a reduction in operating costs by up to 15%.