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Medstandard LLC




2024: Criminal case on the supply of counterfeit devices for the restoration of motor skills for 14 million rubles

On June 18, 2024, it became known that a criminal case was initiated in Bashkiria on the fact of the supply of counterfeit medical devices for the restoration of motor skills in the amount of 14 million rubles. An audit conducted by the prosecutor's office and the republican Roszdravnadzor revealed violations in the supply of equipment purchased in 2020 and 2023.

During the investigation, it was found that nine devices for the restoration of fine and large motor skills, as well as the coordination of the upper limbs, were acquired by the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Health of the republic. According to the publication "Kommersant," supply contracts were concluded with the Ufa LLC "Medstandart."

Bashkiria, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of the supply of counterfeit medical devices for the restoration of motor skills

According to the experts, it is impossible to establish the quality of the equipment, the medical device is not registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, its parameters differ from those declared by the manufacturer and indicated in the documents, the press service of the republican prosecutor's office said. As a result of the actions of an unscrupulous supplier, the budget of the republic suffered damage in the amount of more than 14 million rubles. The devices were taken out of use and seized.

Supplies of counterfeit equipment were identified in several medical institutions, including the city clinical hospital No. 13 of Ufa, the clinical hospital No. 1 of Sterlitamak, the emergency hospital of Ufa and the Kuvatov Republican Clinical Hospital.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health of Bashkiria explained that the purchases of devices were carried out for clinics providing specialized and high-tech assistance. They added that at the time of purchase, the equipment had a registration certificate, but later it turned out that it was not registered in Russia. As a result, the devices were withdrawn from operation and moved to the quarantine zone.[1]
