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Yarty Igor
Yarty Igor

Yartym Igor Petrovich, director of the St. Petersburg representative office of Tieto. Was born in the Poltava Region, the Ukrainian Republic, the USSR. Studied at Leningradky Shipbuilding Institute and the Technology University of Helsinki. Worked on Leningradka of Nuclear Power plant, in Nokia, Wicom. In Tieto company works since 2007. He is married, three children. Hobbies are travel, reading, children, the gym.


The Russian market of IT services lags behind on development for about 10-20 years the European. For example, the outsourcing share in IT budgets in Europe approaches 50%, and in Russia approximately is twice less. The structure of services also differs. For example, there are two services of DPC: the first - placement of the equipment (racks or servers); the second - lease of the equipment. Our western customers use the second service whereas the Russian customers of the first. In due time, about 10 years ago, the service in placement of the equipment was also demanded and in the West.

Cloud services allow to connect new users or new services to a raid. It is supposed that such services allow to increase operational efficiency and flexibility, and lead to decrease in total cost of ownership of IT. The customer pays only for the fact that he used also only for that period for which he used.

Attractiveness of such services increases in process of deepening of integration between applications. For example, if to the normal user the business application and e-mail which work together without visible borders is demanded, but at the same time the cloud business application does not interact with e-mail, attractiveness of such service decreases.