Telega.in is a platform for placing native ads on Telegram. According to the company's own data, at the beginning of 2024, more than 500 thousand people are users of the service, about 40 thousand placements take place on the platform every month.
Telega.in was founded in 2016 by Mirafox Holding. Among the large customers of the Telega.in are MTS, Restore (part of the Inventive Retail Group), Ozon, etc. According to the current (by July 16, 2024) offer of the Telega.in, the service developer is Telekot LLC, registered in Russia in July 2023.
2024: Ultimate Capital bought the service Telega.in
On July 16, 2024, the investment company Ultimate Capital announced the purchase of a native advertising marketplace on Telegram Telega.in. Financial and other parameters of the transaction are not disclosed.
According to Andrei Kondratyuk, managing partner of Ultimate Capital, the Telega.in fully meets the investment criteria of the company: a promising rapidly developing market and the absolute leadership of the project in its segment.
We see how, with the addition of our competencies, to help the company grow very quickly, including at a faster pace than the market. We believe in the segment and plan to significantly scale the business in Russia, including testing it in other markets, "he said. |
In turn, the head of the Telega.in, Kirill Borisov, commenting on the deal, expressed the hope that Ultimate Capital, thanks to its experience in creating and developing large technology businesses, will be able to provide the startup with controlled growth in operating indicators and scaling.
The Telega.in platform was one of the first highly specialized players in the Telegram advertising market. Over these few years, the project has managed to form a strong base of users and advertisers and consolidate leadership in this market segment, Borisov said. |