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Hope (Tasty so!) (Talarix Meat Processing Plant)

Customers: Hope (Tasty so)

Food industry

Product: Talarix Meat Processing Plant

Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/10

2016: Introduction of Talarix Meat Processing Plant

On average, up to 70 tons of semi-carcasses, 20 tons of semi-finished products and 10 tons of sausage products and delicacies are produced daily at the meat processing plant. The total number of sold product items is about 200 items. The management made a decision on the comprehensive automation of all business processes of the meat processing plant. As a software product, a comprehensive industry solution for the meat industry TALARIX was chosen: A meat processing plant developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

As a result of the project, all the main business processes of the meat processing plant were automated from the purchase of livestock to the calculation of cost and accounting for costs for the enterprise (consolidated cost) and for the division (as a separate separate enterprise).

Implementation of TALARIX: The meatpacking plant allowed the plant to automatically receive specialized management reports, plan and reflect the fact of production operations, as well as conduct a detailed analysis of the results of the stages of the production process. Now manufacturers always have information about their workshops and can manage production processes "here and now."

Using the forecasting tools provided by TALARIX: Meat Processing Plant, you can analyze the change in production cost at any time based on different input parameters. The system allows you to quickly form various conditions for cooperation with counterparties, monitor their compliance, and sales reporting allows you to analyze the results of work and prevent the growth of receivables.