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Orion MHP (Talarix Meat Processing Plant)

Customers: Orion MHP

Food industry

Product: Talarix Meat Processing Plant

Project date: 2009/10  - 2010/01

2010: Introduction of Talarix Meat Processing Plant

The management of the enterprise set the task to implement a comprehensive automation system at all levels. As a software product, an industry solution for meat processing enterprises TALARIX was chosen: Meat Processing Plant.

As a result of the implementation, operational production and management accounting in a single information base was comprehensively automated. Use of TALARIX: The meat processing plant has made it possible to increase the transparency of the process control process. A clear document flow has been developed and interaction between departments of the enterprise has been determined. With the help of TALARIX: Meat Processing Plant, the management of the enterprise has up-to-date information for making informed economic decisions in the field of pricing, sales management and customer relations.

Use of TALARIX: The meat processing plant allowed the company to improve the quality and ensure the safety of products based on traceability at all stages of raw material production, processing and sale of finished products.