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Zyfra Robotics: Dispatching control system of robotic mining equipment

Developers: The Robotics Figure
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/07/17
Branches: Transport
Technology: EAM,  SCADA

The main articles are:

2024: Plan for the launch of the autonomous equipment control and monitoring system

The company "Zyfra Robotics" (part of the Group of Companies "Zyfra"), specializing in career robotization, intends to deploy a system of control and monitoring of autonomous equipment at the sites of its customers in 2024. The development is complete, the system is being tested. The developer announced this on July 17, 2024.

The system enables:

  • Planning. Dynamic and route standards are set using the system; automatic means of maneuvering and gauge control are adjusted; movement is optimized; zoning of work areas and arrangement of the park are performed.
  • Monitoring. The system monitors the current location of autonomous machines in the area; Automatically records deviations from the specified motion dynamics, trajectories, and performance targets. notifies the operator of abnormal situations.
  • Analysts. The system detects the root causes of deviations in performance and rhythmicity; traces the development of changes in retrospect for the possibility of operational intervention in work.

At the first robotization projects, we sought to reuse the general barrier control system. But practice has revealed a need for control and control tools that combine the specifics of technological transport and autonomous systems. In 2022, we decided to assemble them in a special system that provides an integrated approach to managing autonomous equipment. First of all, thanks to the capabilities of monitoring and analytics, it ensures the extraction of high performance, which is important for our high-tech projects, - explains Elizaveta Shpieva, owner of the product at Zyfra Robotics.

The management of robotic complexes using the development from "Zyfra" opens up prospects in the organization of production: costs are reduced, the level of industrial safety is increased, the process is rhythmic, and data analytics allows you to identify bottlenecks.

{{quote "Development from" Zyfra Robotics "will open up new opportunities for optimizing processes where robotic transport is used, and improve the performance of the entire autonomous fleet. As a result, we expect to achieve such efficiency indicators that motivate mining enterprises in Russia to more actively introduce robotic technologies in mining processes, - commented Sergey Emelchenkov, General Director of Zyfra Group of Companies. }}

"Figure Robotics" intends to complete testing and testing of all functionality, as well as carry out the necessary procedures for adding the system to the register of domestic software.