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Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology named after N.A. Lopatkina




2024: Opening of radionuclide diagnostics unit with Siemens and GE equipment

In the Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology named after N.A. Lopatkina - a branch of the National Medical Research Center of Radiology, in July 2024 a new department of radionuclide diagnostics was opened, equipped with modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers Siemens and GE. The opening took place within the framework of the federal project "Fight against cancer."

According to Medvestnik, the radionuclide diagnostics department is equipped with a GE Discovery IQ 5r PET/CT scanner, which has highly sensitive detectors and a wide field of view, as well as a Siemens Evo Excel dual-detector gamma camera. This equipment allows for a wide range of studies with high accuracy and comfort for patients.

Research Institute opened a radionuclide diagnostics department with Siemens and GE equipment

Lopatkin Research Institute became the second medical institution in Russia, after the P.A. Herzen Scientific Research Institute, to receive accreditation from the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) under the specialized EARL program. The program is aimed at standardizing PET/CT parameters, which allows reliable comparison of studies performed on various scanners, which is critical for assessing the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

Radiologist Daria Khodakova said that the main direction of work of the new department is the examination of patients with urological diseases. In particular, an important diagnostic method used in the department is nephroscintigraphy. Patients with cancer can undergo a whole body PET/CT procedure using [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose, which allows one study to assess the prevalence of the tumor process throughout the body.

Khodakova noted that the timing of PET/CT scans depends on the type of treatment performed. After surgery, the study can be carried out 3-4 weeks, after chemotherapy - no earlier than 3 weeks, and after radiation therapy - 8 weeks. If necessary, the study can be performed earlier, but only after approval from the doctor.[1]
