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Severstal has started using a robotic robot in production. PHOTO

Customers: Severstal

Moscow; Metallurgical industry

Contractors: Deep Robotics

Project date: 2024/07

On July 19, 2024, it became known that the metallurgical company Severstal began using the Deep Robotics robot at its production facilities. This decision was made after a series of successful tests at Severstal-Metiz and Cherepovets Steel Mill (Cherepovets Steel Mill).

Testing of robotic devices was carried out by specialists from Severstal-Infokom and the Laboratory of New Products. During the tests, robotic animals demonstrated the ability to navigate the terrain, carry loads using a built-in manipulator and monitor compliance with safety rules.

source = Severstal
Severstal starts using Deep Robotics robot

Special attention was paid to the possibilities of using robotics in the coke-aglodomain production of Cherepovets Steel Mill. In particular, in the foundry of blast furnace No. 3, an experiment was carried out to deliver briquettes of refractory mass directly to their place of use.

Deep Robotics robot workers are equipped with advanced technologies, including computer vision, 3D profiling and LiDAR algorithms. This allows them to perform a wide range of tasks, such as measuring objects, transporting goods weighing up to 40 kg, conducting various types of inspections and preventive diagnostics of equipment.

Among the key capabilities of robots are sound diagnostics, thermal imaging and gas analysis, as well as the construction of maps for the development of digital counterparts of enterprises. An important advantage of robot owners is their ability to continuously function in conditions that are difficult for humans.

Robots are ready to perform continuous routine tasks for quite a long time, excluding the human factor, which can affect the correctness of measurements, - said Denis Kolupaev, Head of R&D at Severstal-Infocom. He also stressed that the use of robots will improve the quality and efficiency of diagnosing gas leaks.

One of the main goals of Severstal's robotics is to reduce human presence in high-risk areas. In the future, robots will be able to significantly facilitate the work of employees in mines, hot shops and other dangerous production areas.