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The network of clinics "Be Zdorov" has introduced a medical information system (MIS)

Customers: Be Healthy LMS Clinic

Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Product: Robomed MIS (Medical Information System)

Project date: 2021/01  - 2024/07

2024: MIS implementation

On July 19, 2024, it became known about the introduction of a medical information system (MIS) into the practice of the network of clinics "Be Zdorov."

source = "Be Healthy"
Common schedule base and client file cabinets for all branches of the clinic

As reported, the trend towards global digitalization is increasingly covering all areas of business, and medicine is no exception here. For July 2024, it is difficult to imagine the coordinated work of a clinic - private or state - without a modern medical information system (MIS).

source = "Be Healthy"
Common schedule base and client file cabinets for all branches of the clinic

MIS has already firmly entered the practice of most medical companies, and the network "Be Healthy" was no exception, transferring a significant part of the work to digital format.

source = "Be Healthy"
The equipment of the radiation diagnostics room is integrated into the MIS

In its activities, "Be Zdorov" uses software from the Russian company "RoboMed Systems," which allows:

  • optimize the operation of the medical institution,
  • reduce costs,
  • optimize and control the work and process of personnel.

source = "Be Healthy"
Integration of laboratory work in MIS

In terms of personnel policy and its optimization, the software contractor faced the following tasks:

  • analyzing and improving the efficiency of each of the doctors, optimizing profitability indicators without increasing the number of slots;
  • optimization of the speed and quality of personnel training due to preliminary distance learning, stages of the process and testing;
  • reduction of corporate training payback period (ROI, Return On Investment).

source = "Be Healthy"
Ability to create and adjust the clinical pathway for the patient according to the diagnosis

source = "Be Healthy"
Reports calculate service assignment and performance indicators

Since 2021, a pilot project for the introduction of MIS from RoboMed has been launched in the network of clinics "Be Zdorov," the testing stage of which was completed in 2023.

MIS covered all branches and branches of "Be Healthy." The clinic network data were combined into a single database and synchronized in real time to process and plan patient experience. The entire client information it is stored in a single electronic card, which allows you to track the dynamics of changes in his condition and carry out a full cycle of management by a doctor.

source = "Be Healthy"
Assignment Analytics

An important aspect of the seamless implementation of IIA is the organization of training for medical personnel. Lack of training or its insufficiency leads to downtime, which, in turn, leads to a loss of revenue, as well as an increase in the reputational risks of the company in the form of negative feedback from customers and employees, a decrease in patient returns, etc.

At the same time, it is the employees who are responsible for the successful implementation of the IIA, therefore, the duration and quality of their training in the updated system are one of the key criteria for software scalability. The pace of implementation of the system in each specific clinic depends on the speed of personnel training (all other things being equal and without taking into account the IT component).

So, in "Be Healthy" at the initial stage of piloting during the month 1787 people were trained. The main emphasis was placed on the practical study of the functionality of the MIS. The training included several stages and was conducted in an individual format and in groups of 2-3 people, and the introduction of preliminary distance learning made it possible to optimize the process.

source = "Be Healthy"
Ability to communicate between patient and physician

The training methodology assumed the transition to the next stage only if the previous and satisfactory test results were completed (at least 75% of the correct answers). If the employee received low marks as a result of testing, it was necessary to re-complete the entire training stage. The final stage of training involved "live" communication with the test patient, during which the doctor consolidated all the skills gained and went to the appointment with a willingness of at least 80%.

source = "Be Healthy"
Possibility for the patient to mark the presence in the clinic

Such a "seamless" transition to MIS in the process of training and working with patients made it possible to build effective business processes within "Be Healthy" and optimize the quality of medical care.

As practice has shown, only the demonstration of MIS in the learning process (without working out the skills of working in it) is not productive. With the implementation of the MIS, all physicians were extended within a month from the standard 25 minutes to 1 hours, which led to a decrease in the number of appointments during the working day and, accordingly, to a drop in company revenue per 20% during the first month of piloting.

source = "Be Healthy"
Patient navigation through the clinic in the mobile application

IIA covers several key areas and divisions in the work of the clinic. These are primarily digital services, a mobile application, a call center, interaction with insurance companies in terms of service coordination, a reference center, a reception center, a hospital, an integration API with laboratories and EMIAS.

source = "Be Healthy"
VHI Approval System for Physician Treatment Plan

Among the possibilities of the clinic during the implementation of the system:

  • implementation of digital services, optimization of opportunities for feedback;
  • optimizing the quality of medical care - the program is transparent for each participant, monitoring and regulation means, which ensures compliance with all applicable rules and standards;
  • Optimizing patient speed in the clinic by minimizing execution time and automating a number of processes
  • Key Figure-Based Management - Any process is controlled, if necessary, through defined key figures that take into account time to work, costs, resource utilization.
  • Flexibility of business processes.

source = "Be Healthy"
Dashboard is used to analyze incoming customer requests

source = "Be Healthy"

MIS capabilities:

  • General schedule and file cabinet base for all branches of the clinic. A single client file cabinet was formed, which stores the entire history of visits, namely: reception protocols, diagnoses, treatment programs compiled by the attending physician, diagnostic results and laboratory tests, as well as all the necessary information for working with the client.
  • The equipment of the radiation diagnostics room is integrated into the MIS. The image is directly transmitted to the device, and upon completion of the study, a snapshot will be displayed in the client's file cabinet.
  • Integration of laboratory work in MIS. The study is transferred to the laboratory and when the sample is closed, the result of the laboratory tests will be displayed in the client's file cabinet.
  • The physician has the opportunity to draw up and adjust the clinical path for the patient according to the diagnosis. All patient plans can be analyzed using reports that calculate prescribing and service delivery rates. The doctor at the workplace has the opportunity to view the analysis by their appointments, track the percentage of their completion, including how many appointments were paid by the patient and what is the volume of the average check).
  • The possibility of communication between the patient and the doctor using video or chat is realized. In the mobile application, the patient can write a message to the attending physician and receive a specialist response. Also, using the application, the patient can mark that he is in the clinic. The doctor sees this information in his schedule and thanks to this function he can quickly invite the patient to an appointment.
  • For the convenience of the client, a mobile application has been launched, with the help of which the client can view reception protocols, laboratory results, communicate with the attending physician and make appointments to specialists on his own.
  • If the patient has a VHI policy, then in the updated MIS, the purpose of services can be coordinated with the insurance company. After the approval of the services by the insurance company, the doctor in the patient's personal account sees the result of the approval.
  • A dashboard is used to analyze incoming customer requests. Here you can see such indicators as the number of calls, the number of patients and records, the average processing time of calls. Based on these indicators, specialists analyze the effectiveness of the call center.