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Rosinzhiniring automates document flow based on EDMS PayDox

Customers: Rosinzhiniring

St. Petersburg; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: PROSE of IT
Product: PayDox Electronic document management system and business process managements

Project date: 2010/06
Number of licenses: 300

The Paybot LLC company announces successful project implementation of workflow automation of ROSINZHINIRING Ltd based on EDMS PayDox.

Less than in three months specialists of the partner company in the Prose of IT project carried out work on setup and system implementation of electronic document management and business process management of PayDox in ROSINZHINIRING branches in St. Petersburg and Sochi.

This project included: analysis of business processes of document flow of the company, automation of the nomenclature of affairs, setup of a system, loading of retrospective data, user training. Now in "ROSINZhINIRING" about 300 employees work with PayDox.

Using EDMS PayDox automation of the following document types and business processes is carried out to ROSINZHINIRING Ltd:

  • the entering and outgoing documentation (external and internal);
  • organizational and administrative documentation;
  • regulations and instructions;
  • approval of agreements and related documents (invoices for payment, acts of the performed works, etc.);
  • work with competitive lists;
  • requests and changes in the project;
  • questions and decisions of collegial bodies (board, investment committee, tender committee, etc.);
  • control of execution of instructions on any kinds of documents;
  • etc.

The high functionality and flexibility of the PayDox system allowed to implement the project of workflow automation in ROSINZHINIRING Ltd in a short time, with the minimum costs and guaranteed quality.