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GoOpenSource: Open Code to Business (OK to Business)

Developers: GoOpenSource
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/07/16
Branches: Internet Services,  Information Technology

The main articles are:

2024: Launch of the Collective Knowledge Base

The GoOpenSource IT community has launched a collective knowledge base for open source solutions "Open Code to Business" ("OK to Business"). This information platform is a pioneer of practical interaction between the industry and the open source community in order not only to develop and populize, but also to commercialize open business solutions. GoOpenSource announced this on July 16, 2024.

OK Business helps companies find a solution, technology or assemble a team of professional enthusiasts. It is very important that the business can formulate its task on the site or describe the problem for finding a solution with the help of the expert community. A separate section is devoted to "success stories." IT professionals, in turn, can use the knowledge base to develop open source solutions for specific business needs.

According to representatives of GoOpenSource, the idea of ​ ​ the project is to make open source available and useful for business, to create a platform on which, on the one hand, there is a collectively replenished knowledge base, on the other hand, various services to develop and commercialize open business developments. It is also important to build direct communication between contributors to strengthen interaction within the expert community.

In addition to the OK Business knowledge base, several complementary services are simultaneously developing on the GoOpenSource platform. For example, a service for finding and comparing open source solutions in public repositories (developed by Innopolis University students as part of GoOpenSource hackathons).

Another interesting example of the platform service is the AI assistant TimForser, announced on July 5, 2024, who regularly updates the knowledge base and generates answers to questions in discussing specific tasks. In the near future, it seems natural to use AI to generate open source software based on the OK Business knowledge base as a specialized language model.

The role of the expert community here is iterative training of the GoOpenSource model and constant adjustment of the result. It is significant that the basic services of the GoOpenSource platform are also available in open source for use and joint development. A separate promising task is the methodology for assessing the contribution of contributors.

The era of proprietary software is radically transforming. Open code sets new rules for the game, open technologies give businesses much greater opportunities, said Ruslan Gainanov, founder of the GoOpenSource community.

Both the Open Source Business Knowledge Base and other services on the GoOpenSource platform are free for contributors.