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An automated NSI management system was created for Russian Railways on the independent import platform Planeta.NSI

Customers: Russian Railways (RZD)

Moscow; Transport

Contractors: IBS
Product: IBS Planet OLAP Platform

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/07

2024: NP implementation TsNSI-2

On July 23, 2024, IBS announced that in a short time it had provided a seamless transition to an import-independent solution for working with regulatory reference information (NSI) at Russian Railways. In less than eight months, within the framework of the project, a system was introduced based on the Planeta.NSI platform - AS TsNSI-2, directories used in the company's technological processes were migrated, and integration with related systems was ensured.

As reported, as part of the implementation of the strategy for ensuring digital sovereignty, the company was faced with the task of transferring automated processes for maintaining and recording regulatory reference information to an importo-independent platform.

Being an object of critical infrastructure, the holding places strict requirements on the products on the basis of which import-independent solutions are implemented. Taking into account these circumstances, the introduction of the TsNSI-2 NPP system, implemented on the basis of IBS Planeta.NSI's own product, the translation into it of more than 1400 technological reference books and the implementation of standard mechanisms for interaction with related information systems of Russian Railways in less than eight months is a matter of particular pride for IBS. This project has once again confirmed that Russia they know how to create and implement productive solutions. I also want to note that without the active participation of specialists from Russian Railways and its subsidiaries, it would be impossible to implement such a large-scale project in such a short time. We thank colleagues for their comprehensive support and assistance with implementation.

told Alexander Tolgsky, Head of the Directorate of the Department of "State Programs" IBS

The NPP TsNSI-2 maintains all-Russian and interstate classifiers, as well as industry technological reference books: classifiers of the railway network model, classifiers of transport infrastructure, transportation process, locomotive and car farms, classifiers of the Unified Electronic Map of Russian Railways, etc. Reference books are used in the processes of managing seat reservation and ticket and cash operations, managing railway stations in terms of freight work, maintenance, rolling stock movement and in many other processes of Russian Railways. Within the framework of the project, integration was implemented with the majority of industry automated systems of Russian Railways, including systems included in the register of significant objects of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation (ACS Express of the next generation, ACS ST NP, AS Guide NP, etc.). Also, information from the AS is TsNSI-2 transmitted to the Customs authorities, to the IS of the Ministry of Transport, used in the Corporate Information Repository and Reporting.

Russian railways consider data to be one of their most important assets, so system maintenance of regulatory reference information and quality management of our master data is a priority of the company's IT unit. The use of solutions of foreign vendors to automate the functions of maintaining directories in many technological systems of Russian Railways carried significant risks of system-wide software failure, and also aggravated the issue of information security. The project of transferring directories and classifiers of Russian Railways to a domestic import-independent platform was also in the focus of special attention because the timing of related import substitution projects of production systems largely depended on its timely and clear implementation.

told Kirill Semion, Head of the Informatization Department of Russian Railways

According to him, the company decided to create an updated version of the TsNSI automated system, implemented on the basis of digital products included register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development in Russia, and meeting all the requirements of Russian Railways for solutions of this class. At the start of the project, it was decided to analyze the products included in the register of domestic software, and then invite developers to go through a comprehensive one testing in accordance with the methodology of Russian Railways and confirm the possibility of applying their solution both in terms of destination indicators and in terms of the functionality provided by the product.

Testing also proved that the Planeta.NSI platform meets the reliability requirements of Russian Railways and meets the import substitution requirements: it has a certificate of state registration of the computer program in Rospatent and is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs Ministry of Digital Development Russia.

After the decision of Russian Railways to implement the project on the basis of the Planeta.NSI platform, the IBS team, consisting of more than 140 specialists, in less than eight months ensured the implementation of the solution and its adaptation to the requirements of Russian Railways. As a result of the work, an electronic bank of regulatory reference information was formed, used to support the company's technological processes, 1,400 reference books were migrated and automated systems of Russian Railways were connected, which are sources and consumers of regulatory reference information.

In addition, IBS specialists have developed the necessary methodological documentation that regulates the procedures for maintaining and maintaining regulatory reference information in the structural divisions of Russian Railways. The introduction of AS TsNSI-2 allows ensuring the integrity and consistency of the provided data, as well as scalability - optimization of the number of reference books, source systems and consumer systems.

Thus, IBS migrated the legacy NSI management system of Russian Railways and the data themselves from the solution of a foreign vendor to an updated Russian platform, which allowed Russian Railways to obtain a productive secure solution that meets modern trends and requirements for products for managing basic data, as well as ensure compliance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2022. N 1478.