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2024/07/24 14:16:44

Laser vision correction


Main article: Vision

2024: Gradual adoption of SmartSight vision correction technology in Russia

SmartSight is laser vision correction technology. This technique is based on the use of a femtosecond laser, which allows the formation of a lenticle (lens) in the cornea, which is extracted from the cornea through a micro-puncture, changing its curvature.

The main stated benefits of SmartSight include:

  • Minimally invasive surgery: The procedure is performed with minimal tissue damage, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and speeds up the recovery process.

  • Rapid recovery: Patients can return to normal life as early as 2-3 days after the procedure.

  • High corneal stability: Due to the accuracy of the femtosecond laser, the structure of the cornea remains stable, which provides long-term results of vision correction.

  • Pain-free procedure: SmartSight minimizes discomfort during both surgery and postoperative period.

  • Short duration of surgery: The procedure takes no more than 12 minutes, which makes it quick and convenient for patients.

It is stated that the SmartSight laser vision correction technology is suitable for athletes, for people who engage in a contact sport - boxing, football, hockey, rugby, fencing, since such an operation does not form a corneal flap, there is no risk of its displacement. This is especially important for those who lead an active lifestyle and cannot afford to recover for a long time. In addition, the technology has high accuracy and predictability of results, which reduces the likelihood of complications after surgery.

SmartSight technology is significantly different from other techniques for laser vision correction, such as Super-LASIK, Femto-LASIK, FRK and SMILE, which is the most popular for 2024:

  • Lack of flap creation: the main advantage of SmartSight over Super-LASIK and Femto-Super-LASIK technologies is the absence of the need to create a flap on the surface of the cornea. Any complications associated with flap displacement are excluded.

  • Faster recovery: Unlike the PRK, recovery from SmartSight is faster and less painful. The very next day, most patients achieve maximum visual acuity.

  • Lower risk of dry eye syndrome: SmartSight is characterized by a minimal degree of effect on the cornea compared to other methods, damage to the nerve fibers of the cornea is minimized.

  • All stages of the operation are performed by a single laser: unlike patchwork technologies during SmartSight, it is not necessary to move the patient between the excimer and femtosecond laser during the operation. All steps are performed on a Schwind Atos femtosecond laser.

  • Automatic visual axis control: Unlike other methods of lenticular vision correction (SMILE and Clear), the Schwind Atos laser is equipped with software for automatic determination of the visual axis. This reduces the risks of decentralization of the impact zone to almost zero.

  • Accuracy: During the operation, our eyes perform involuntary movements. To correct astigmatism, it is extremely important to take into account the position of the eye during surgery in order to correct it correctly. Schwind Atos is equipped with an eye position control module using special infrared cameras, which takes accuracy to a fundamentally new level.

Despite the clear advantages, SmartSight technology by July 2024 has not yet become widespread in Russia. The main reasons for this are:

  • High equipment cost: Femtosecond lasers and associated equipment are expensive, making the implementation of the technology economically challenging for many clinics.

  • Lack of trained specialists: Operations using SmartSight technology require a high qualification of specialists, which also limits its distribution.

  • Low awareness: Few patients and even doctors know about the existence and benefits of this technology, which restrains its popularization.