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Digital platforms: System of access to digital resources of the enterprise for automation of field engineering and installation works

Developers: Digital Platforms (Nauka-Svyaz Group of Companies)
Technology: CPM

Main article: CPM - Corporate Performance Management

2024: Postgres Pro Enterprise Certified 16 Compatibility

Postgres Professional and Digital Platforms LLC (Nauka-Svyaz Group of Companies) on July 15, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products.

The certificate issued by Postgres Professional confirms the correct operation of Postgres Pro Enterprise Certified 16 and "Systems of access to internal digital resources of the enterprise for automation of field engineering and installation works" (SGR 2022665112).

"Access Systems to Internal Digital Resources of the Enterprise for Automation of Field Engineering and Installation Works" is a domestic software designed to automate work on connecting customers and interaction of systems during the work. Functionality: automation and simplification of accounting for the work performed by mobile installation teams. Further evaluation of the work performed according to the point system, taking into account the time spent during the work. It is included in the register of domestic software and has an FSTEC certificate.

The compatibility of the development software of Digital Platforms LLC with the Postgres Pro DBMS has been tested and confirmed in the IT laboratory of domestic NAUKA LAB solutions, the main task of which is to help Russian enterprises prepare for the transition to domestic IT solutions as soon as possible and without stopping business processes, - said Alexander Khodinov, head of the NAUKA LAB IT laboratory.