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Stream Score 360

Developers: Stream (formerly TalentTech), TalentTech (Severgroup TT)
Last Release Date: 2024/07/24
Technology: HRM

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2024: YandexGPT Integration

in YandexGPT integrated "Stream Assessment 360" and accelerated the development of employees four times. The company "Stream" announced this on July 24, 2024.

The 360 assessment is a tool that can unlock the potential of employees and identify their development zones, but HR specialists often face difficulties when they have to create FPIs on their own, distracting from the main tasks. There is also a fear of a "white sheet" - ambiguity, how and where to start drawing up a plan.

According to to data the analytical department "Flow," the use YandexGPT for processing the survey results and the formation of FPIs for each employee in a company with about 1000 people will reduce the cost of time and resources. Now this task will take about 781 working hours and 1 million, rubles while previously it took about 2,943 working hours and 4 million rubles. Thus, cost-effectiveness for the company is a reduction in costs by 4 times.

By introducing YandexGPT into the Stream Assessment 360 product, HR specialists receive not only valuable information from surveys, but also a ready-made action plan for employee development created using AI. This greatly accelerates and simplifies the planning process, allowing employees to immediately begin implementing development plans, bypassing the independent planning process.

source = Stream

Now the Flow Assessment 360 platform automates the process of evaluating employees using the company's organizational structure and competency matrix. Also, before the survey starts, each participant gets access to the platform and proceeds to evaluate their colleagues. After completing the assessment, all participants can familiarize themselves with understandable reports in their personal account.

YandexGPT helps the HR specialist digitize and generate FPIs by two actions:

1) The reports obtained by YandexGPT provide valuable information, show the employee's top strengths and growth zones, helping him identify priority areas of development, as well as the top 3 western competencies that require attention to improve work efficiency. The reports also contain a heat map that visualizes the employee's assessment for each competence, gaps and areas for improvement.

2) Further, using data from the reports, AI forms three individual training plans for each employee, focusing on developing the necessary competencies. The plan specifies the objectives of training, barriers to development and the recommended model of distribution of 70-20-10 efforts:

  • 70% of training at the workplace, including rotations within teams, project work;
  • 20% training through communication with colleagues, which includes: mentoring, regular working meetings with colleagues and receiving feedback.
  • 10% of the employee's self-education, starting with online courses, ending with trainings and master classes.

YandexGPT effect in "Stream Assessment 360" to evaluate employees:

  • AI offers optimal training options for the development of certain competencies;
  • Removes the routine of planning employee development from managers, transferring it to YandexGPT;
  • All development plans are stored in a single digital space, providing convenience and transparency.

The integration of YandexGPT technology into our product radically changes the approach to 360-degree assessment. This update allows you to focus on the real development of employee competencies, and not on the routine tasks associated with manual processing of results and the preparation of FPIs. As a result, the business only wins at the expense of more motivated and professional employees. And this contributes to a steady increase in the company's efficiency, "said Evgeny Kornyushin, director of product development at Stream Polls.