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Schools and universities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are switching to the Russian OS Atlant. Tens of thousands of licenses have already been purchased

Customers: Ministry of Digital Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Krasnoyarsk; State and social structures

Product: Atlant OS

Project date: 2024/07

In July 2024, it became known that schools and higher educational institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are switching to the Russian operating system Atlant. As part of this initiative, tens of thousands of licenses have already been purchased for educational institutions in the region.

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory signed an agreement on the use of domestic software. The supplier is the local manufacturer Atlant LLC, which has already transferred 60 thousand licenses of the operating system and 2 thousand licenses of the LayerPie centralized management system to the department.

source = Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Schools and universities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are switching to the Russian OS Atlant. Tens of thousands of licenses have already been purchased

The implementation of Russian software is planned to be carried out in systems responsible for the main production and management processes, including in the field of education. This step is aimed at achieving digital independence and ensuring security in the field of IT solutions based on own developments.

The Minister of Digital Development of the region Nikolai Raspopin stressed that after the implementation of the Atlant OS, an uninterrupted educational process for schoolchildren and students, timely technical support, as well as familiarization of students with innovative IT solutions created in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will be provided.

A pilot project for the implementation of domestic software has already been successfully tested at Krasnoyarsk school No. 159, where Atlant is installed on more than 300 computers. Experts have also set up interactive whiteboards, projectors and cameras. In the future, it is planned to connect other educational institutions of the region to the system.

Director of Strategic Development of Atlant LLC Artem Stytsenko noted that the accumulated experience in integrating IT solutions and detailed analytics made it possible to prepare sets of programs and system drivers suitable for educational institutions. This significantly speeds up the import substitution process, ensuring the smooth commissioning of workplaces with the interface familiar to users based on Russian solutions.[1]
