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2024/08/14 13:19:51

New atomic and energy technologies (national project)




Completion of the preparation of the national project, the main directions of the national project

On August 14, 2024, the preparation of the national project "New Atomic and Energy Technologies" was completed. According to the results of the strategic session, the main directions and goals of the new national project were determined in the Government of the Russian Federation. It is planned that it will include ten federal projects aimed at developing scientific research and development work in the energy sector.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stressed the importance of the national project for the development of related industries and solving urgent problems, such as the introduction of environmentally friendly urban transport and the creation of new jobs in high-tech industrial sectors.

National project "New atomic and energy technologies" for 2.14 trillion rubles is launched in Russia

As part of the revision of the passport of the national project, the Ministry of Energy was instructed to include measures to develop DC technologies, including the creation of a laboratory for testing relevant equipment.

The Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, together with industry organizations, had to determine the need for technologies and equipment, the production of which is planned to be carried out within the framework of the national project. The Ministry of Industry and Trade will also develop a roadmap for the emergence of new energy technologies and the inclusion of organizations of the fuel and energy complex and equipment manufacturers in the list of executors of federal projects.

Another part of the national project is aimed at developing those sectors of the powers that are not directly related to the atom. It is planned to support solar and wind generation, technologies and production of power storage systems. Together, these measures should stimulate qualitative changes in the green power sector, which operates on renewable sources.

The state corporation Rosatom was responsible for finalizing the direction of "new nuclear technologies." Its tasks include identifying qualified customers for the main technologies and optimizing the structure of federal projects in this area.

The implementation of the national project "New Atomic and Energy Technologies" is designed to contribute to Russia's entry into the top ten countries of the world in terms of scientific research and development work. In addition, it is planned to increase the share of domestic costs for these purposes to at least 2% of gross domestic product.[1]

2.14 trillion rubles were pledged for the national project "New Atomic and Energy Technologies"

The Russian government is allocating ₽2,14 trillion to finance the new national project "New Atomic and Energy Technologies" until 2030. This was announced on July 29, 2024 from the presentation of the national project.

According to the publication, budget funds will amount to just over a third of the total - ₽730 billion, the rest - extrabudgetary sources. The national project proposes to include 10 federal projects aimed at the development of nuclear power and other sectors of the energy industry.

2.14 trillion rubles allocated for the national project "New atomic and energy technologies"

The main goal of the national project is to ensure the technological sovereignty and leadership of Russia in the energy power in the next five years. It is planned to significantly increase the level of import substitution of equipment and technologies in key industries. Thus, in the oil and gas sector (including oil refining and petrochemicals) this figure should grow from 65% to 90%, in the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) - from 40% to 80%, in the electric power industry - from 72% to 90%.

Within the framework of the national project in 2025-2030, it is planned to develop and implement about 390 key technologies and equipment, create more than 100 industries and about 5,000 workplaces. It is expected that the annual production of equipment for the fuel and energy complex (fuel and energy complex) in monetary terms will grow from ₽1,3 trillion in 2023 to ₽2,8 trillion in 2030.

The national project also provides for an increase in investment in the fuel and energy sector. In the oil and gas industry in 2024-2030, it is planned to attract more than ₽55 trillion, in the production of LNG - more than ₽7 trillion, in the electric power industry - more than ₽15 trillion, in nuclear power - more than ₽6,5 trillion.

Special attention in the national project is paid to the development of nuclear technologies. According to the representative of Rosatom, among the strategic projects of the state corporation are the creation of a two-component nuclear power with a closed fuel cycle, the development of a line of small and medium-sized reactors, thermonuclear technologies and the development of a material science base.[2]
