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MaxPatrol O2 Autopilot for effective cybersecurity

Developers: Positive Technologies
Technology: Information Security - Information Leakage Prevention,  Information Security Management (SIEM)


The main articles are:

The MaxPatrol O2 meta-product detects an attacker, identifies the resources he has seized, predicts an attack scenario taking into account unacceptable events for the company, and stops the attack before the company is irreparably damaged.


Obtaining the status of a product with AI

Autopilot for effective cybersecurity MaxPatrol O2, previously registered in the unified register of Russian software, received a mark that confirms the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the product. The developer announced this on August 6, 2024.

State prioritizes the development of AI and stimulates its penetration into various. industries economies These technologies allow you to transform many - IT processes, including improving the effectiveness of cybersecurity solutions. For example, our meta-products using methods machine learning bring the industry closer to creating fully autopiloted centers for monitoring and responding to incidents with minimal employee involvement, "said INFORMATION SECURITYMikhail Stugin, Head of Information Security Automation, Positive Technologies.

MaxPatrol O2 has a special machine learning module built in to assess the anomaly of collected chains of suspicious activity in the infrastructure. With the help of embedded ML models, it detects the atypical nature of the overall activity of processes and their launches, as well as network activity.

Information about the detected anomaly indicates to the operator suspicious processes with which he should start the analysis. This will reduce the time to analyze chains of activities that indicate targeted actions of a hacker.

Use in SOC CyberART

Innostage Since 2024, the company has been using SOC CyberART the effective cyber security MaxPatrol O2 in autopilot to improve the effectiveness of monitoring its own infrastructure. This made it possible to increase the speed of handling incidents several times. InnoSTage announced this on July 29, 2024. More. here