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Alrosa builds data management information system on Arenadata products

Customers: Alrosa AK


Product: ADB - Arenadata DB

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/06

2024: Data Management System Implementation

ALROSA introduces a data management information system, which will become the foundation for building various analytical systems: reporting, budgeting, consolidation and machine learning. It was based on the products of the Russian vendor Arenadata - Arenadata DB, Arenadata Hadoop and Arenadata QuickMarts. Arenadata announced this on July 30, 2024.

When choosing a vendor, we paid attention to how he positions himself and his products. And we believe that Arenadata takes a high bar, declares it and presents itself as a full-fledged vendor. That is, as a company that plans to develop its products, make them available and create an ecosystem of partners, contractors, integrators and customers around it. At the same time, it was important for us to find such a vendor who will be with us for a long time, - said Kirill Severgin, head of the competence center for data management at ALROSA IT.

In 2023, the ALROSA CDO office formed a project submission, after which licenses were purchased, and a contractor was chosen. Its main goal is to ensure the technological readiness of the company for the implementation of functional tasks. At the same time, ALROSA sets itself a short time frame for the implementation of a project to implement a new information system for data management. As of July 2024, the system has been put into pilot operation.

Such a short time is due to the fact that the goal of the project is not to replace one product with another, but to ensure technological readiness for the implementation of functional projects. This will allow us to get a powerful foundation, which will become the basis for each new import substitution project, - explained Kirill Severgin.

Working with data for industrial companies comes with significant difficulties, since, unlike the same retail or financial sector, industrialists collect a lot of disparate and diverse information. And therefore, representatives of this area are often afraid to start actively working with Big Data. And the fact that ALROSA is already successfully implementing data projects gives it the opportunity for active development, "said Maxim Vlasyuk, Director of the Arenadata Group Department for Work with the Industrial Sector.