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Seleznyov Novel Valeryevich



Seleznyov Novel Valeryevich
Seleznyov Novel Valeryevich


2024: Return to Russia

On August 1, 2024, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) reported that Russian Roman Seleznev, sentenced in the United States to 27 years in prison for cyber attacks, was returned to his homeland. It is noted that the man is seriously ill, and in an American prison he did not receive the necessary medical care.

Reportedly, the return of Seleznev and seven other citizens Russia became possible thanks to the systematic and purposeful work of representatives of the FSB, the Russian Foreign Ministry and other competent government departments, as well as foreign partners. State Dumas Lawyer Igor Litvak told about the state of Seleznev, the son of LDPR deputy Valery Seleznev. According to him, the man was seriously injured during the terrorist attack in Morocco, and since then his health has been shaken. Valery Seleznev said RBC that his son was tortured in the United States.

Litvak emphasizes that Seleznev was actually "kidnapped" in the Maldives and taken to the United States without the necessary extradition trial. At the same time, the lawyer calls the verdict against the Russian "unfair." After returning to his homeland, Roman Seleznev will receive the necessary medical assistance.

Roma is very badly ill, his health is getting worse, so because of this reason he had to be sent home to get normal medical care so that he lives on, "Litvak says.

The return of Roman Seleznev to Russia

In order to return Seleznev and other Russians to their homeland, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees pardoning a number of foreign citizens. Some of them were convicted under articles on treason and public calls for extremist activities. It is noted that the Russian side is grateful to the leadership of all countries that have assisted in the preparation of the exchange.[1]
