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IMEX (cryptocurrency exchange)





2024: Figure Broker's Exit from IMEX Capital

The Russian company "Digital Broker" (formerly known as "Freedom Finance") withdrew from the capital of the Belarusian crypto exchange IMEX, registered as LLC "Aimex Global." This became known from the financial statements of the broker, published at the end of July 2024.

As RBC writes with reference to these materials, the share of Zyfra Broker in IMEX was 85%, and the book value of this share was estimated at ₽343,5 million. Initially, the company invested ₽144 million in 2023, and in the first quarter of 2024 it additionally invested almost ₽200 million to recapitalize the crypto exchange.

Russian "
Digital Broker" left the capital of the Belarusian crypto exchange

The report "Figure Broker" indicates that the investment was fully realized, while the amount received from the sale of the share was fully reimbursed for funds sent to the authorized fund of Aimex Global LLC. However, the buyer of the stake was not disclosed.

IMEX positions itself as an exchange that has created an integrated liquidity pool for professional participants in the crypto market. The company is a resident of the High Technology Park of Belarus - a special zone with a special legal regime for IT companies. In July 2024, 14 different tokens are traded on the exchange.

Despite leaving the IMEX project, Zyfra Broker retains its presence in the Belarusian market through the brokerage company of the same name, which it owns by 100%. The carrying value of this asset is almost ₽50 million. The representative of the Belarusian "Digital Broker" announced the company's plans to engage in trading in crypto assets, including on the IMEX exchange, after receiving the necessary accreditation.

The IMEX crypto exchange was originally conceived as a joint project "Zyfra Broker" and SPB Exchange. However, the general director of the St. Petersburg Exchange, Yevgeny Serdyukov, in an interview denied the presence of any projects or shares in companies outside Russia.[1]
