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"" provided Ctrl2GO with the opportunity to work with Big Data in the cloud

Customers: Ctrl2Go (Control of TuGoRu)

Moscow; Information Technology

Product: Regional region
Second product: Big Data Projects

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Providing infrastructure to host and work with Big Data

"" adapted the cloud to work with Big Data. The pilot project was implemented jointly with Ctrl2GO. This was announced by on August 1, 2024.

As part of the cooperation, provided Ctrl2GO with cloud infrastructure for hosting and working with Big Data. To do this, the company launched S3 object storage in a private cloud. According to the results of the project, in June 2024, more than 20 terabytes of data were uploaded to the Рег.ру cloud. In the future, it is planned to transfer more than 100TB.

IT infrastructures The isolated fault-tolerant quotient is used as the. cloud "" The technology stack is built on the base VMware and is virtual data center with its own park. servers The platform allows you to quickly increase development resources, control costs IT , and safely. store data

In the future, development environments, business applications and enterprise services will be consistently transferred to the Ctrl2GO cloud. On the basis of the cloud platform, the company plans to work with Big Data, as well as create and implement its own digital complexes using artificial intelligence technologies, machine learning and the industrial Internet of Things.

The private cloud is designed for further growth and high loads for reliable work with large arrays. data The infrastructure is duplicated, all data is reserved, S3 object storage is connected and, of course, it is supposed to deploy additional services for the company's requests, "said Evgeny Martynov, director of information technology at

According to preliminary estimates, the implemented project will, among other things, more than halve Ctrl2GO costs for outsourcing services. Previously, the company used the resources of four separate data centers for different projects and business areas. As of August 2024, it was possible to centralize all the computing power of an IT developer based on one cloud platform.

Thanks to the private cloud, we will seriously simplify project management - we will not need to communicate with several contractors in third-party data centers, instead there will be a single person responsible for the entire infrastructure, "said Ilya Efimov, CTO of Ctrl2GO.