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KIFA confirms ISO certificate

Customers: QIFA previously TD KIFATO MK

Contractors: NTC Alpha Register
Product: IT and Security External Audit Projects (PCI DSS and ISMS)

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Confirmation of the certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management Systems. Requirements "

PJSC "KIFA" confirmed the certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 "Quality Management Systems. Requirements "valid until September 2026. The certification procedure was re-carried out by the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Scientific and Technical Center" ALFA-REGISTER. " KIFA announced this on August 5, 2024.

Based on the results of certification, KIFA PJSC received permission to use the sign of conformity of the voluntary certification system, which is an official confirmation of the quality of services provided by the company in the cross-border wholesale digital trade market and reflects the effectiveness of managing the developed business processes.

ISO certificate first obtained by KIFA in 2023. Obtaining an ISO certificate is dictated by KIFA's desire to conduct business as transparently as possible and comply with the best corporate practices, and reflects the company's exceptional focus on providing the highest quality service for all participants in cross-border digital trade between Russia and China.

Certification is voluntary, but the presence of such a certificate is often one of the mandatory conditions for admission to participation in state and commercial tenders, - said Irina Afonina, financial director of KIFA PJSC. - It is strategically important for KIFA as a public company to be assessed on an ongoing basis by independent organizations to confirm the effectiveness of the developed management model. We fully share the principles on which ISO standards are based, including customer focus, consistency of business processes, desire for leadership and continuous innovation, as well as the management of the organization taking into account stakeholders in its activities - stakeholders, which is especially important in anticipation of the company's IPO.