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EOS and RDTECH implemented the project for the migration of EDMS "Delo" from Oracle to Postgres Pro to NIKIET

Customers: NIKIET named after N.A. Dollezhal

Moscow; Science and education

Contractors: ECM Systems EOS, RDTECH
Product: Postgres Pro Enterprise

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Migration to Postgres Pro

The Russian Nuclear Design and Research Center of NIKIET JSC has completed the migration of the Delo electronic document management system to the import-independent DBMS Pro. The project was implemented jointly by Electronic Office Systems (EOS) and JSC RDTECH. The EOS announced this on August 5, 2024.

The transfer to Postgres Pro made it possible to open a new horizon for planning the development of the system in the NIKIET infrastructure, and the cluster solution will provide reliability, which is very important today, "said Illarion Linde, head of the information systems department of NIKIET JSC.

The representative of NIKIET clarified that the EDMS "Delo" has been one of the key information systems of the organization for more than 10 years, since it implements both the processes of main activities and administrative and economic. The expert called the EDMS "Delo" one of the main technological gears in a large mechanism of organization.

The project was implemented in full, EOS and RDTECH specialists showed themselves as deeply understanding the transformation of the modern IT market. During the preparation for the project, we had many meetings at which technical aspects and directions were discussed, where we could potentially get into an unpleasant situation, since import-independent solutions do not always work as the developers are used to, "says Illarion Linde.

The migration of EDMS to an import-independent database management system for enterprises such as NIKIET JSC is important not only from the standpoint of ensuring technological independence and protection against potential external vulnerabilities. EDMS for such clients is a critical information system that must function stably at any time, ensure the safety of information and the availability of all available tools and functions. That is why, within the framework of the project, we paid special attention to ensuring the fault tolerance of the EDMS on the new DBMS and minimizing the risks of data loss. The Postgres Pro cluster with backup mechanisms demonstrated the required degree of fault tolerance and required performance. The database of the EDMS "DELO" on the backup server is regularly synchronized with the current database of the system on the main server. The maximum permissible time period for which data loss is possible (in the unlikely case of critical failures in the operation of the main server) is no more than 15 minutes, "said Andrei Kozlov, General Director of EOS Soft LLC .

The main difficulties in migrating from Oracle to Postgres Pro were caused by the unloading of 2 TB of documents stored in the EDMS from the Oracle database to external storage. The problem was solved by EOS specialists. They developed a utility that allowed uploading in an acceptable time and without losing data. On the part of the DBMS, it was necessary to implement a fail-safe and reliable solution in stand by mode, and the RDTECH specialists coped with this task ahead of schedule, "Illarion Linde emphasized.

There is a drawdown in terms of performance, but, as they say:Moscow "it was not immediately built," Oracle has been developing the whole world for 40 years, the Russian market has a future ahead, "said Illarion Linde.

The Delo EDMS migration project is one of the first in a series of industrial application migration projects from Oracle to Postgres Pro. The participation of the RDTECH was to prepare the infrastructure on the part of the DBMS - databases of the required configuration, setting up monitoring and redundancy. During the preparation of the project, an experimental stand was created and preliminary testing of the proposed approach was carried out. This became the basis for the successful implementation of the migration project, - commented Svetlana Ivanova, General Director of RDTECH JSC.