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Sberbank: AI service for automatic evaluation of heart research

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Sberbank, Sberbank Health Industry Center, Tyumen Cardiological Research Center
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: BMS - Decision Support System

The main articles are:

2024: Presentation of the AI service

The laboratory artificial intelligence Sberbank , together Sberbank Health Industry Center with the Laboratory of X-ray Endovascular Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment (Tyumen Cardiological Research Center branch) Tomsk NIMC RAS , proposed a solution that allows automating to files the calculation of the SYNTAX score by video coronarography - methods for assessing the severity of damage at. coronary heart disease medical that This was reported to the portal Zdrav.Expert on August 5, 2024 by representatives of Sberbank.

"We are pleased that the cross-sectoral cooperation of our scientists has led to the creation of an innovative service for the analysis of coronarography.[1] The solution will allow you to automatically, quickly and accurately determine the state of the vascular bed of the heart and help assess the optimality of the prescribed treatment, - said Marina Bessonova, director of the Tyumen Cardiological Research Center, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. - Artificial intelligence not only improves diagnostic accuracy, but also opens new horizons in the field of medicine, significantly increasing the quality of treatment. We are confident that the example of our solution will become the basis for future discoveries. "

source = Sber AI Lab and Tyumen Heart Science Center
An example of right coronary artery abnormalities is (a) Stenosis. (b) Bifurcation. (c) Calcified stenosis. (d) Complete occlusion

According to them, as of the beginning of August 2024, the system operates in information and reference mode, the result of the artificial intelligence (AI) model is not a medical conclusion and does not replace it. Doctors and patients can upload their study to the website of the Tyumen Cardiological Research Center. The AI model in test mode will calculate the value on the SYNTAX scale. The service will be useful for medical workers as a second opinion on the interpretation of the study results, and patients will be able to use the results of the assessment when contacting a doctor for additional advice, the creators of the decision noted.

source = Sber AI Lab and Tyumen Heart Science Center
Proposed SYNTAX scale assuming a score for severity of the lesion

Every year in Russia and in the world, many face coronary heart disease. The coronary procedure is the most reliable way to diagnose the condition of the coronary vessels of the heart. To choose the correct treatment tactics for such diseases, the cardiology community has developed the SYNTAX scale, which assumes a point assessment of the severity of the lesion. Previously, SYNTAX estimates were calculated exclusively in an expert way. However, due to the subjectivity and routine of such calculations, this method is prone to errors. According to researchers from Sberbank and the Tyumen Cardiocenter, the presented AI solution for automated calculation of the SYNTAX score will help to more accurately assess the results of research and reduce the number of errors. Final conclusions about the effectiveness of the AI model will be made based on the results of testing.

source = Tyumen Cardiology Research Center
Example of algorithm operation

As Gleb Gusev, director of the Sberbank Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, noted, every year the demand for intelligent solutions in key areas of human activity increases. Such developments are impossible without basic and applied research in artificial intelligence.

"We are starting to test an innovative AI model to assess coronary vascular research - at the moment this is the only such automated solution in our country. It is extremely important that such services based on Sberbank technologies are tested in the largest medical centers in the country. We are grateful to our colleagues for such readiness and openness, because this is the best way to improve and develop AI technologies, "the top manager concluded.
