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Technology (Automated Control System)

Developers: Severstal
Branches: Metallurgical industry
Technology: APCS

2024: System Development

In July 2024, Severstal announced the completion of the development and implementation of the Technology automated control system (ACS) aimed at creating a single digital technological information base. The main goal of implementing this system is to reduce the time for accepting and processing orders from customers.

The project to create ACS Technologiya was launched in 2018 and was implemented jointly by employees of various divisions of the company and the Severstal IT team. The implementation of the system at all production sites of the company has been completed, but work on its development and improvement continues. Alexey Komarov, Head of Product Development and Support, noted that work continues to expand the capabilities of digital technology in the company's processes, such as ordering, controlling, planning, production, certification and shipment of products.

source = Severstal
Severstal has developed and implemented an automated management system called Technology in order to receive orders from customers faster

Automated system of control of regulatory technological data of ACS "Technologiya" allows to speed up development and entry of information on new products and technologies into the system, ensuring completeness and quality of regulatory information. The system has become an important source of technological information for each workplace, which has made it possible to improve efficiency and accuracy in fulfilling orders.

ACS "Technologiya" interacts with the systems of order receipt (O2C), planning (SAP/APO), production (MNF), production control (QMET) and master data (MDM). The system architecture is based on SAP S/4HANA and uses the BRF + logic calculation tool to provide a high degree of process integration and automation.

The introduction of the system led to significant improvements in the company's production processes. Before the introduction of the Technology ACS, the process of coordinating and introducing new technologies took up to several weeks, while with the new system this process is reduced to several hours.[1]
