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SSC Segezha Group switched to "B1 Discoverit" 2.0

Customers: Segezha Group (Segezha)

Segezha; Forestry and woodworking

Product: Б1:Discoverit

Project date: 2023/09  - 2024/02

2024: Move to "B1 Discover" 2.0

The B1 Group of Companies has completed the transfer of the employee performance monitoring and analysis system in the Segezha Group Common Service Center (CCC) to the B1 Discover 2.0 version of the solution . Segezha Group announced this on July 2, 2024.

dashboards Managers can track the download of their employees with the ability to drill data down to the click level in the application. To clarify the occupancy of the team, the system allows you to build a digital photo of the working day for an individual employee.

Monitoring the efficiency of employees at computers allows you to see an objective picture for each division and SSC as a whole, quickly redistribute tasks and regulate the burden on personnel. With B1 Discover, it is possible to identify champions and outsiders of productivity - accurate data can be taken into account in the personnel motivation management system, including bonuses.

On an ongoing basis, 45 division managers use B1 Discoverit in their work. We get a transparent picture of the work of the staff and can flexibly manage the loading of employees. The data from the Discoverit B1 are used as part of the overall assessment of the Center's effectiveness, "said Nelly Valikhova, General Director of SEGEZHA GROUP - SSC LLC. - The project was implemented by the B1 team together with Segezha Digital Solutions. As part of the design of the system architecture, emphasis was placed on the use of import-independent technologies and components. As a result, we have completely abandoned the use of unsupported Microsoftoperative systems, DBMSs and visualization tools.

The Segezha Group Common Service Center uses the Discoverit 2.0 B1 in the On-prem delivery - the system is implemented in the company's loop. The updated version of the solution, which the company switched to in February 2024, allows optimal use of server power, while the performance of the solution is increased significantly.

In addition to monitoring and analyzing the efficiency of employees in the new release, the functionality of building digital process and operation twins (task and process mining) has been significantly expanded for in-depth analysis, search for hypotheses to improve business efficiency, automation and robotization of work areas.

With B1 Discover, you can immerse yourself in the actual path of operations and find those steps that can be excluded, optimized or robotic. The system visualizes the implementation of the business process by several executors and allows you to detect variability, deviations from the reference points and optimization methods for further analysis.

The project in the Segezha Group Common Service Center is a good example of how the company is constantly working on its performance. Thanks to the new capabilities of B1 Discover, the heads of the service lines of the Center will be able to even more effectively manage the loading of employees, find bottlenecks, optimize processes, and maintain maximum productivity with an optimal headcount, "said Yuri Denisov, partner of the B1 Group of Companies.