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Developer "SSK" chose "SearchInform CIB" to protect customer data

Customers: SSK Construction Company

Krasnodar; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Contractors: SearchInform
Product: Information security Kontur SearchInform (CIB Serchinform)

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Implementation of SearchInform CIB

Construction company "SSK" has implemented DLP system "SearchInform CIB" to protect critical information and customer data. SearchInform announced this on August 7, 2024.

The purchase decision was made in March 2024 after piloting the systems of several vendors. At the testing stage, the information security department of SSK came to the conclusion that CIB is more flexible in settings and more convenient in administration - all analytics are in the same console. It provides a detailed view of the incident and provides detailed reports.

Among other key advantages of the DLP system from SearchInform, the customer noted the ease of integration with other information security solutions, the ability to control popular information transmission channels, as well as easy to configure the system and focus on specific monitoring tasks.

Previously, our company used a different DLP system. But due to the scaling of the business and the acquisition of important assets that required special protection, the product ceased to meet all the conditions for ensuring information security. Then the information security service faced the task of finding a solution that would close all business requests, and reliably protect critical information from leaks: operational and technical documentation, personal data of employees, customers. The choice fell on CIB, - said Vladislav Ilyinsky, CISO of the SSK group of companies. - The technical support of SearchInform has also become a significant advantage. Specialists at the stage of the pilot project showed high interest, pointed to the "bottlenecks" in the company, which need control.

This case cannot be called an incident, but it helped prevent violation and avoid information leakage, the company noted.

Owner also assessed the capabilities of the analytical module in DLP from SearchInform. Thanks to which one security specialist can control several thousand employees of the organization.

We develop the product, starting from the practical tasks of customers. Thanks to this approach, CIB gives the first results already at the pilot stage. In addition, we are constantly optimizing the product to make it easier for security professionals. Thus, the CIB has expanded the ability to control various types of data - more than 400 built-in rules for detecting confidential information are available out of the box. Refinement allows you to strengthen control over especially important data: business documentation, source code, etc. For full protection, we implemented native support for exchange with project management environments, both popular/and JiraConfluence its domestic analogue "Sphere," - said, Alexey Parfentiev Deputy General Director for Innovation Activities "SearchInform."

Based on the results of DLP testing and business development plans, SSK plans to increase the volume of implementation of SearchInform CIB.