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2024/08/08 14:04:05

G-Cloud (State Region in Kyrgyzstan)


Digital Kyrgyzstan

Main article: Digital Kyrgyzstan


2024: Work to build the system

Kyrgyzstan The project to create a state cloud G-Cloud is being implemented, which should be completed by the end of 2024. The transfer of government services to this storage facility may begin as early as 2025. This was announced on August 7, 2024 at the Ministry of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan.

Rustambek Sartkalchaev, coordinator of the G-Cloud project, said that the development of the government cloud is the second component of the Digital-CASA country project. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The construction of a single data center is 90% complete.

State region G-Cloud is being created in Kyrgyzstan

Sartkalchaev noted that specialists from Estonia were involved in the development of G-Cloud and the experience of South Korea was used. All infrastructure and security issues will be under the responsibility of the operator - GP Infocom. This facility is an element of critical infrastructure and its location is not subject to disclosure. In September 2024, it is planned to update the needs for computing resources for all government agencies and analyze the migration of their services to the government cloud.

First Deputy Minister of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan Zhumamudun Zhumaliev cited the use of cloud data storage by citizens as an example. He stressed that in this case, state bodies will use a protected government cloud, which is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and is managed by a state enterprise. The project must be self-sustaining, so a certain cloud usage fee will be implemented. This fee does not apply to the population, but applies only to government agencies that will request funds from the Ministry of Finance.

Zhumaliev also noted that the issue of cybersecurity comes first. By August 2024, the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data, as well as the Coordination Center for Cybersecurity at the GKNB, are operating in Kyrgyzstan. These structures provide technical and organizational data protection to prevent information leakage.[1]
