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SCFU: Soil Assessment Device

Developers: North Caucasus Federal University (SKFU)
Date of the premiere of the system: July 2024
Branches: Transport

2024: Product Announcement

On July 30, 2024, it became known that a device for assessing the state of the soil using drones was developed and launched into use in Russia. Scientists of the North Caucasus Federal University (SKFU) have created an innovative device that will significantly increase the efficiency of precision farming and the productivity of crops. This was reported in the press service of the university.

SKFU scientists have created a system that allows assessing the physicochemical parameters of the soil in the area of ​ ​ the root system of plants at a depth of 0.3 to 0.6 meters. This was made possible by the use of a radar system that irradiates the surface of the Earth at an inclination, which increases the proportion of the reflected radio signal (Brewster effect). Development makes it possible to increase efficiency of precision farming and productivity of crops.

has developed and started using a device for assessing soil from a drone as part of precision farming

The rector of SKFU Dmitry Bespalov noted that agrotechnologies have long switched to the digital level, which opens up new opportunities for optimizing processes in agriculture. For the university, this direction is strategically important, since digital technologies can significantly improve the management of the quality of seed germination and increase yields in each area of ​ ​ the field.

One of the authors of the development, Gennady Linets, said that the patented method and device for analyzing subsurface soil horizons were not only experimentally proven, but also tested at several large agricultural enterprises in the region. Using Fresnel equations, researchers can determine electrical conductivity and soil moisture at lower economic and time costs, which is especially important for timely agrotechnical activities.

The new device, based on a radar system, consists of two unmanned aerial vehicles. This method allows you to quickly detect the distribution of moisture in the soil, which helps to prevent the degradation of agricultural land in arid and swampy areas, and also allows you to accurately calculate the volume of necessary fertilizers.[1]
