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Developers: Center of Speech Technologies (CST)

EdiTracker is special software for the analysis of authenticity of phonograms.

The Russian technologies helped Britney Spears with a dispute with the press

According to data of the Center of Speech Technologies (CST), in December, 2010 the American editions The Radar and Star Magazine published record of telephone conversation of Britney Spears with the ex-husband. On record the singer allegedly complained to the former spouse Jason Alexander of humiliations from the present boyfriend. Representatives of the singer disproved the fact of a similar conversation, however the editorial office of the The Radar edition continued to insist on authenticity of record.

As noted, the famous American forensic expert Tom Owen put the end to this dispute, having tested record using development of the Russian CST company EdiTracker – special software for the analysis of authenticity of phonograms. As a result of a research Tom Owen came to a conclusion that record many times was exposed to processing and was passed via different sound filters. He could not define unambiguously whether the female voice on Britney Spears's record belongs, however expressed opinion that record is not original. He also noticed that record was subjected to digital editing at least in three places, reported in CST. Owen examination was widely lit in different American media.

According to CST, products of the company not for the first time appear in sight of the American show business. So, for example, heroes of the American series "Spy" in one of series used a product of CST SoundCleaner for cleaning of a sound signal of noise. "We saved up the whole archive of stories how high-profile cases or even issues of the state importance were resolved using our products in the most different corners of the planet, – the CEO of CST Mikhail Hitrov told. – Now ranks of our clients were joined also by show business stars".

Today solutions of CST are used by forensic experts in 65 countries of the world, reported in the company. By estimates of the American experts, the share of the company in this market makes more than 30%.