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Rostov Grain Terminal




Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Performance indicators

In 2023, the revenue of the Rostov Grain Terminal increased to ₽10,5 billion compared to ₽5,9 billion in 2022, although the company's net profit decreased from ₽106,6 million to ₽51,6 million.


2024: Increased ownership

On August 12, 2024, it became known that the owners of the Rostov grain terminal, which is an important object in the Russian grain market, had changed. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL), the composition of shareholders of RTZ Holding LLC, which owns the terminal, has been expanded to four people.

The main shareholder of the company is Marat Shaidaev, who controls 69.99% of the shares. The remaining shares are distributed as follows: Alexey Chemerichko owns 19.99%, Kirill Shevchenko - 4.99%, and Abas Mamedov, who previously owned 100% of the shares, retained 5%. Mammadov's share by August 2024 is pledged by Sberbank. The authorized capital of the company is ₽189,864 million.

The owners of the
Rostov grain terminal with an annual revenue of 10 billion rubles have changed

According to Interfax, Marat Shaidaev and Alexey Chemerichko, former top managers of the United Grain Company (OZK), acquired the Rostov Grain Terminal in March 2021 from the American company Bunge. The transaction was financed by Sberbank. Initially, the shares of Shaidaev and Chemerichko were equal, but over time, the share of Shaidaev gradually increased. In May 2023, its share was 75%, and Chemerichko's share decreased to 25%. In October 2023, their shares were redistributed to 70% and 20%, respectively.

In June 2024, the owner of Rostov Grain Terminal LLC was RTZ Holding LLC, at that time fully owned by Abas Mammadov. After that, the shareholder structure changed again, and now Shaidaev and Chemerichko have again returned to active participation in the management of the terminal.

Marat Shaidaev previously served as General Director of OZK, and Alexey Chemerichko headed the Novorossiysk Bakery Plant (NKHP) after which he also went to work in OZK. After leaving OZK, both entrepreneurs began to develop their own grain trading business, which led to the acquisition of the Rostov grain terminal.

The Rostov grain terminal plays an important role in the logistics chain of Russia, serving river-sea vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 5.5 thousand tons. Its annual transshipment capacity is 700 thousand tons of grain cargo.[1]
