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PNIPU: Software and hardware complex (PAC) to describe a mathematical model of materials

Developers: PNIPU Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/08/13
Branches: IPC,  Mechanical and Instrument Engineering,  Construction and Industry of Building Materials

2024: Announcement of PAC development to describe mathematical model of materials

Active digitalization of human activities reduces the time for creating structures in any industry - from construction to defense, due to the development of their numerical analogues. To create an effective, close to the real design of a digital twin, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the description of mathematical models of materials used in the design. Scientists at PNIPU are developing a software and hardware complex that will allow you to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the behavior of various materials. This reduces the error between the digital counterpart and the actual design. With its help, it will be possible to effectively implement various technological solutions and reduce the cost of manufacturing the final product. This was announced on August 13, 2024 by representatives of PNIPU.

source = PNIPU
Digital analogue of the supporting part of the bridge structure, when using PAC to describe mathematical models of polymer materials

As reported, the project team won a million rubles for the implementation of a startup in the federal project "Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship." It is developed within RNF 22-29-01313 grant.

The creation of a digital analogue (CA) allows you to optimize material and time costs for the production of the final product, since on a numerical model you can consider various technological solutions without explicitly creating a design. This approach is used in bridge-building, aviation, engineering and other industrial industries. As of August 2024, modern computer-aided design (CAD) systems are used at enterprises to form CA: ANSYS, ABAQUS, FIDESYS, etc.

The hardware and software complex (PAC) scientists Perm of the Polytechnic allows you to facilitate the task when creating a numerical analogue of the design. It reduces the duration of the specialist's work on the description of the material model, which can sometimes take months. It also features the ability to use results in CAD, which optimizes the creation of CA in enterprises.

source = PNIPU
Use of PAC in the description of material models of compositional materials

The software and hardware complex (PAC) of scientists of the Perm Polytechnic University on the basis of experimental data selects the parameters of the selected mathematical model. It allows you to simplify the task when creating a numerical analogue of the design. PAC reduces the duration of the specialist's work on the description of the model, which can sometimes take months.

The project solves a number of fundamental problems. First, the lack of highly qualified employees who are capable of qualitatively determine mathematical models of material behavior for digital analogues. Every year the number of graduates the corresponding specialty for the whole of Russia is less than 5,000 engineers, only 10% of which work in the specialty. Secondly, the study of the behavior of a structure throughout its life cycle is an empirical approach - extremely labor-intensive and expensive.

An important possibility of developing polytechnics is the possibility with a minimum set of physical-mechanical and thermomechanical material properties get a set of models that describe their behavior. As well as recommendations for use in design of operating conditions of structures. In addition, the cost of the solution will be about 100 thousand rubles. in year.

source = PNIPU
Use of PAC to describe mathematical models of materials based on data from an oscillation experiment

Our software and hardware complex, due to the author's automation algorithm, selects the parameters of nonlinear mathematical models of materials. It will reduce the requirements for the qualification of a specialist, optimize calculations, and also make it possible to conveniently receive data for setting a mathematical model in modern computer-aided design systems for a qualitative description of the behavior of materials in various operating conditions.

shared Yury Nosov, PhD student, senior lecturer, Department of Computational Mathematics, Mechanics and Biomechanics, PNIPU

The user chooses the type of experiment that he conducted on the material, for example, uniaxial stretching, sets the data in the PAC and selects the mathematical model he needs. After that, the system operates: data is transmitted to the server and processed by a software algorithm, after processing it outputs the necessary parameters with an error of less than 1%. Next, the specialist uses them to build a numerical analogue of the design.

Our development can be used by bridge-building organizations, expertise and defense enterprises, as well as aviation, construction and other industries. In general words - companies that are engaged in the introduction and creation of modern polymer, composite materials and science-intensive enterprises that participate in the creation of modern structures for various purposes. In addition, research laboratories, research centers and research institutes.

supplemented by Anna Kamenskikh, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Advanced Engineering School of PNIPU

The pilot version of the product at partner enterprises is planned to be launched by mid-2025, and for widespread use PAC will be available in 2026.

The development of scientists from the Perm Polytechnic will allow creating digital twins and numerical analogues of real structures and materials. The software and hardware complex will reduce the cost of financial and time resources for the manufacture of the final product at various enterprises.

The development is carried out as part of the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership program.