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BCS, with the support of GlowByte, has developed a plan for the development of MLOps infrastructure for client marketing

Customers: BCS Holding

Moscow; Financial services, investments and auditing

Product: IT and Security External Audit Projects (PCI DSS and ISMS)

Project date: 2024/06  - 2024/07

2024: Customer Marketing MLOps Infrastructure Audit

The financial holding BCS World of Investments conducted an audit of the MLOps infrastructure of customer marketing and identified the main zones of its growth. The task was solved together with an IT partner with high-quality expertise in this area, GlowByte. As part of the project, a step-by-step development plan was formed for a modeling platform that is effectively used in client marketing. The plan takes into account the need for integration with the systems involved and the requirements for new technologically complex cases that should be implemented online, taking into account the need to provide hard SLAs and fault tolerance.

For the main purpose of the audit, the MLOps GlowByte team developed a methodology for assessing the maturity of the solution, which made it possible to evaluate the current modeling platform against many criteria, including the existence of a model life cycle, collection, data allocation of resources, assignment of team accesses, etc.

According to the results of the audit, analysts proposed the most optimal option - a step-by-step transition from the current monolithic solution to a microservice architecture, which is extremely important when implementing fault-tolerant operation of online scenarios. In addition, the introduction of open-source technologies for the production and orchestration of machine learning models (NiFi, AirFlow, etc.) will be implemented, relying on the existing BCS infrastructure. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed architecture, three models under development for production were analyzed and logical diagrams of the application of these models were presented.

"Our company is focused on using modern technologies in business processes. It is important for us to meet market standards and meet growing business needs, "said Victoria Moisa, Director of Modeling at BCS World of Investments.

"As part of the project to update the modeling platform, we invited GlowByte as an expert in the production of machine learning models to present fresh technologies. The MLOps GlowByte team has impressive experience in introducing, supporting and modernizing MLOps processes of varying degrees of maturity, the recommendations of experts of this high level are very important for us, "said Anastasia Kuzmicheva, project manager at BCS World of Investments.

{quote|"Colleagues from BCS invited us to solve the problem of scaling the existing MLOps platform for new needs. This is a responsible and important step that demonstrates a systematic approach. As a result, recommendations were formed that not only solve current problems, but also create the basis for future projects, "said Maryana Bakirova, head of the MLOps solutions implementation group at Advanced Analytics GlowByte.}}