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National Dictionary Foundation

Developers: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Branches: Education and Science

2024: Fund Creation Work

In Russia, by January 31, 2027, the National Dictionary Fund should be created - a unique digital resource that will combine the data of the dictionaries of the Russian language collected over the past three centuries. This became known in August 2024. This project is being implemented on behalf of the Russian government, and the operator and customer is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

According to TASS, the creation of the National Dictionary Fund will contribute to the protection, preservation and development of the Russian language, as well as its popularization both at home and abroad. The new digital resource will allow users, from schoolchildren to scientists, to receive information about the spelling, pronunciation, stress and meanings of words with their historical dynamics, as well as grammatical characteristics, synonyms, antonyms and phraseological combinations.

source = Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
The National Dictionary Fund is being created in Russia

The draft government decree, published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts, provides that the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia will complete the creation and commission this fund by early 2027.

According to Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Denis Sekirinsky, a significant part of the research work on the project has already been completed. By August 2024, work is actively underway to create an information system that will become the basis for a new vocabulary fund. It is planned that the first users will be able to access this resource by the end of 2025.

Within the framework of the project, scientists of the V.V. Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences fully digitized and subtracted 33 multi-volume dictionaries of the Russian language of various authors and time periods. Project manager Maria Kalenchuk noted that the creation of the fund will include the development of five different modules that will allow users to trace the history of changes in the norms of the use of words and their values ​ ​ in different time periods. The system will provide users with the ability to deeply immerse themselves in dictionary data, while avoiding unnecessary information overload.[1]
