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Completed the first stage of the project to automate the warehouse complex "Nizhny Novgorod Regional Pharmacy"

Customers: Nizhny Novgorod Regional Pharmacy GP NO

Nizhny Novgorod; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: EME
Product: EME.WMS

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/06

2024: Completion of the first phase of the warehouse complex automation project

On June 4, 2024, EME announced the completion of the first stage of the project to automate the warehouse complex of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Pharmacy (GP NO NOF).

Completed the first stage of the project to automate the warehouse complex "Nizhny Novgorod Regional Pharmacy"

As reported, GP NO "NOF" is a centralized supplier of drugs and medical devices of the region. The GP NO "NOF" includes 282 pharmacy organizations (163 pharmacies, 117 pharmacy points and 2 pharmacy kiosks), which provide 43 districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region with medicines.

The introduction WMS of SOE NOF in the warehouse has become an important and necessary step towards the development of the enterprise. Has been selected for automation. EME.WMS

The warehouse complex of the enterprise with an area of ​ ​ 12,000 sq.m. occupies several floors. Each floor has a functional purpose by groups of medicines, including potent drugs (alcohol-containing drugs, high-cost drugs, baby food, medical products, vaccines).

The total number of reference items is 100,000. The number of active product items is about 9000 SKU (excluding division by series).

Shelf storage, floor pallet storage is used. Movement of goods between floors (height 3.5 m) is carried out using freight elevators.

Before the implementation of the automation system, difficulties arose in working with a marked product, with orders in a dedicated control area that require scanning of each brand. Particular attention was required by the processes of blot inventory and acceptance by reverse acceptance.

The EME team was tasked with the following global tasks:

  • Automation of warehouse operations management processes to reduce the complexity of processes.
  • Optimization of efficiency, transparency and reliability of processes in the warehouse: acceptance of goods and preparation of orders, quality of goods shipments.
  • Get up-to-date information about warehouse transactions and the status of goods.
  • Automation of warehouse process monitoring system, possibility of warehouse operation analysis for making operational management decisions.

When implementing EME.WMS, it was important to take into account the peculiarities of pharmaceutical storage: division into temperature conditions for individual drugs and vaccines, special storage (potent substances, compatibility in storage), etc.

The first stage of the project was the automation of the warehouse of special drugs.

The objectives of the first phase of the project:

  • Start up the warehouse of special drugs.
  • Have accurate balance data.
  • Reduce time for acceptance, assembly, monitoring, and inventory.
  • Reduce human errors.

During the project, all the main warehouse processes were automated, including acceptance, picking, inventory. Interfacing with the Drug Movement Monitoring System, interfacing with the corporate 1C system was organized. EMC modules have been implemented. Indicators (dashboards), EME.Video with a video surveillance system Trassir. System users have been trained.

Special mechanisms for handling labeled products have been introduced. The problem of unloading correct residues from 1C has been solved online. Minimized inventory time. Prior to the implementation of EME.WMS, the inventory was performed by scanning each brand. Now a separate stream has been made for scanning.

Cooperation between EME and GP NO NOF continues. The plans include the transfer of all warehouse areas to EME.WMS.