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Telecom operator automates management of ELMA365 customer applications

Customers: Automated Communication Systems (ACC)

Tyumen; Telecommunications and Communications

Contractors: BOAS
Product: ELMA365

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Application Management Automation

System Integrator BOAS completed the project to automate the management of customer requests (requests) in the regional telecom operator - the company. ACC To achieve the customer's goals, a platform was implemented. ELMA365 This was Elma announced on August 27, 2024.

After the support of the customer's old HelpDesk system was discontinued, the integrator was tasked with moving from the current system to process applications for a more modern platform. A feature of the project was the work on integration with external information systems, complementing the standard set of functions for processing requests.

As a result of the project, a ELMA365 platform has been implemented that provides management of requests (requests) of ACC customers. The main value of this implementation is to reduce the operational time for processing user requests by the same labor resources.

The following is now available to ACC employees:

  • Create and edit requisitions - Users can ELMA365 create new requisitions, make changes to existing requisitions, and edit the information they contain.
  • Change statuses: Applications can be easily translated between different statuses (new, in progress, completed, rejected, etc.) by tracking their progress and progress.
  • Appointment of persons responsible: appointment of specific employees responsible for processing a particular request, monitoring the timeliness of their implementation is available.
  • Prioritization and classification: applications can be classified by type and assigned priority to them, manage the order of their execution.

Integration with the billing system was implemented. Information about clients from the billing system (through a secure connection to the billing server) is automatically sent to the solution based on the ELMA365 platform, which provides a complete picture of the consumption of services and the current balance of payments of ACC customers.

Created a single space for working with customers, which reduced the time spent on searching and comparing information between different tools by 30%. The successful completion of the project made it possible to conclude an agreement for technical support of the system in 2024, which confirms the high quality of work and customer confidence.

The ELMA365 platform simply replaced the existing customer system and added digital functionality for users. I would like to note the integration capabilities of the system, which quite flexibly ensured safe interaction with billing systems. ELMA365 for me is an optimal system for the implementation of such projects, because it can provide more expanded customer needs that were not previously included in the terms of reference, "said Valeria Bogdanyuk, BOAS Project Manager.

We are proud that we were again able to help our customers cope with the task of import substitution. Our ELMA365 Service solutions are well positioned to meet the needs of both HelpDesk and ITSM. The ecosystem approach we implement through seamless integration with other products on the ELMA365 platform allows our customers to easily automate new processes as new requirements emerge, "commented Victor Sitnik, Product Owner ELMA365 Service.

The system not only successfully replaced the previous platform, but also provided additional capabilities that greatly simplified interaction with customers and accelerated the process of processing applications. We are pleased with the result and are considering this platform in further development, "added Dmitry Robertovich, Technical Director of ACC.