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A digital assistant based on generative AI processed more than 17 thousand dialogues with clients of Novosibirsk Energosbyt in a month

Customers: Novosibirsk Energosbyt

Novosibirsk; Power

Product: AutoFAQ Xplain Chatbot Solution

Project date: 2023/01  - 2023/12

2024: AutoFAQ Xplain Implementation Results

A digital assistant AutoFAQ Xplain based on generative neural networks the monthly automatically processes more than 11 thousand dialogs with clients ": in Novosibirsk energosbyta May 2024, the assistant processed 11 thousand dialogs, in June - 12 thousand, in July - 17 thousand. The project was initiated to improve the quality and speed of customer service, as well as reduce the load on. contact center This was AutoFAQ (DeepHackLab) announced on August 27, 2024.

Novosibirsk Energosbyt foresaw an increase in requests from residents from July 1, 2024 in connection with a change in the electricity tariff, and introduced an AI assistant in advance. The AutoFAQ Xplain digital assistant provides answers to user questions based on information already posted on the Novosibirsk Energy Service website. This approach did not require the company to create a special knowledge base, compare requests and responses, and allowed the introduction of an AI assistant in one day. Thanks to the connection of artificial intelligence, customers began to receive answers from the first request, and not from the sixth, as in the "classic" search. Thus, the load on contact center specialists on issues related to the use of the site has decreased by 2 times.

In 2023, Novosibirsk Energosbyt introduced the AutoFAQ Xplain AI assistant to support the company's employees. One of the key achievements was that the digital assistant successfully processed 90% of requests without human participation. The positive experience of introducing generative AI into internal processes made it possible to successfully scale the project to a client service. The plans include the use of AI to process all requests received by the company,
said Denis Gazizov, director of SSC "Novosibirsk Energosbyt."

AI assistants are used to work with both customers and employees of companies. But the development of GPT technologies has changed the approach to their implementation - now you do not need to create knowledge bases with deterministic responses, just connect the digital assistant to existing documents, sites and sources of "knowledge" of a company like SimpleOne, Minerva, etc. The chatbot will instantly provide capacious and meaningful responses with a link for deep study of information if necessary. This approach allows you to launch the project in just 1 day,
noted Vladislav Belyaev, co-founder and executive director of AutoFAQ.