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2024: US State Department announces $2.5 million reward for Vladimir Kadariy

At the end of August 2024 United States Department of State , he offered a reward of $2.5 million for information Belarusian hacker Vladimir about Kadaria, which is suspected of involvement in a "large development organization." malware

Kadaria, 38, also known by the pseudonyms "Stalin," "Eseb" and "Baksus," is believed to have distributed a set of Angler exploits and other malware through online ads from October 2013 to March 2022. At the time, the Angler set was considered a leading means of delivering malware to compromised electronic devices, the U.S. State Department said in a statement. At its peak, Angler accounted for 40% of all exploit infections. It is estimated that about 100,000 devices were infected with these malware, thanks to which the annual turnover of cybercriminals was about $34 million.

Vladimir Kadaria

In June 2024, Kadaria was charged with financial and computer fraud. The advertising campaigns he participated in were designed to redirect victims to fraudulent websites or pages designed to infect electronic devices with malware. Victims were fraudulently forced to buy or download dangerous software, provide remote access to devices or disclose personal identification or financial information.

According to the indictment, Kadaria and his associates profited by selling access to hacked devices on darknet forums, as well as directly reselling stolen information, in particular bank and credentials.

It is known that Kadaria's accomplice, Belarusian Maxim Silnikov, who probably also participated in the distribution of the Angler exploit kit, was arrested and extradited to the United States in early August.[1]
