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Velesstroy reduced the average cost of training employees using automation by 29%

Customers: Velesstroy

Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: Axioma-Soft
Product: 1C: Training Center Management
Second product: 1C: E-learning. Examiner

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Creation of an automated training center

The Velesstroy Group of Companies "" created a single automated educational center based on two software products - "1C: Examiner" and "1C: Training Center Management." Project implementation ensured the ability to train and test 41,000 people. Partner the project was the company "Axioma-Soft," which announced this on August 28, 2024.

Before the project was implemented, there was no single one in Velesstroy Group of Companies a source of knowledge to improve the skills of the company's personnel. Instead, many disparate educational centers that did not always have sufficient competence for Employee training (especially for complex projects). More than 50% of employees did not undergo knowledge assessment and sent to additional trainings.

For these reasons, Velesstroa had problems obtaining profitable volumes. constructions In addition, there were high risks of injuries and accidents at work due to lack of awareness of employees in the field of occupational health and safety.

Therefore, the implementation project was initiated to create a single sources of knowledge for the entire Velesstroy group of companies, including automation of the testing process. Unification was expected educational process will help improve the skills of employees and, as a result, reduce injuries and accidents by production. Also, the creation of an automated training center assumed the subsequent optimization of the cost of training workers by reducing the market value of mandatory programs.

In total, specialists have implemented seven subsystems of software products: "Schedule," "Set," "Payment," "Contingent," "Training," "Training Organization," "Training materials. "

As a result, the company managed to implement a full-fledged system in-house training and create a single source of knowledge for personnel development. In addition, in the training process employees of the occupational safety and health departments were involved safety at construction projects and line managers (site heads, foremen, foremen). Also in the company was the possibility of distance learning and testing.

A feature of the project was also its economic efficiency: It was possible to reduce the cost of training workers by 29%. So, in 2019 average cost of compulsory training programs for one employee amounted to 2659 rubles. Now the corporate training center conducts training of the company's personnel at an average cost of 1900 rubles for one employee.

The internal training system has been implemented throughout the Velesstroy group of companies. In the training center, 40 internal instructors conduct a theoretical part of the training of workers and their testing. As a result, the company developed 65 educational programs and trained 7,000 people in 2023, "said Sergei Soldatov, Director of the Information Technology Department at Velesstroy.