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2024/09/19 17:03:12

Digital register of labor migrants


Main article: Digitalization in the FMS


A digital register of illegal migrants is being created in the Russian Federation. Those who get there will be banned from marrying, driving and using banks

In September 2024, it became known about the decision Home Affairs Ministries Russia to create a digital register of illegal migrants. This initiative involves the introduction of a number of significant restrictions for persons included in this list, including a ban on marriage, driving and the use of banking services.

According to reports, RBC the first deputy head MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Alexander Gorovoy revealed the details of the upcoming restrictions for illegal migrants. In addition to the already mentioned prohibitions, persons included in the register will not be able to dissolve marriages, register property and register children in educational institutions.

A digital register of illegal migrants is being created in Russia

The register of controlled persons is scheduled to be launched in 2025. It will include information about migrants subject to the new expulsion regime, including those who do not have legal grounds to stay in Russia or have committed offenses.

Additional restrictions will be introduced for persons entered in the register. They will be banned from purchasing real estate and vehicles, taking loans, and freely moving around the territory of Russia. There will also be a limit on spending funds from existing bank accounts - no more than ₽30 thousand per month.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will determine the procedure for applying and terminating the expulsion regime, as well as monitor persons included in the register. Migrants on the list will be required to inform police of their whereabouts, including sending geolocation photos .

Law enforcement officials will receive expanded powers to collect information about persons on the register, including access to bank, tax and trade secrets. They will be able to monitor migrants, use the data of their mobile devices and gain access to residential premises where such persons live or are located.[1]

Work on creating a registry

In Russia, from 2025, a digital register for labor migrants will begin work, the purpose of which is to increase control over their stay and work in the country. This initiative is aimed at strengthening control over compliance with migration laws and more effective management of labor migration. The development of the register became one of the key topics at the end of August 2024 at a meeting of the government commission on migration policy chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.

According to Kommersant, the bill providing for the creation of the register was adopted by the State Duma in June 2024 and signed by the President in August 2024. It is expected that the register will begin to function on February 5, 2025. However, as of August 2024, there are no regulatory documents that would describe in detail the parameters and rules for the functioning of this register.

A digital register for labor migrants is being created in Russia

Deputy Minister of Digital Development Oleg Kachanov noted that the department is ready to create the necessary IT infrastructure for the implementation of the project, but has not yet received specific instructions on its parameters. First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy stressed that the simultaneous inclusion of all illegal migrants in the register could overload the system, so he proposed an amnesty for those who committed minor offenses. This proposal was also supported by the representative of the FSB Vladislav Menshchikov.

Another important topic of the meeting was the problem of registering migrants. Alexander Gorovoy pointed out the difficulties faced by officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when accepting applications for registration from persons who do not live at the specified address. In turn, many landlords are not ready to register migrants in their accommodation due to a lack of understanding of this process. The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to expand the possibilities for registering migrants in construction towns and apartments in order to facilitate the process of legalizing their stay.[2]
